I bought a 2013 recently that has the green stickers for HOV access. I found out that I needed to transfer the stickers to my name so I filled out a form requesting transfer of ownership of stickers. About a month later I got a "Certificate" showing the stickers in my name now. Unfortunately the decal number on the certificate appears to be a newly issued number and doesn't match the decals on my car. After 4 calls to the DMV I've gotten 4 different answers. None new why new stickers were issued and not just a change of ownership. -One told me to wait 3-4 more week for the stickers to arrive and wasn't sure why they weren't mailed with the certificate. -One told me it's because I didn't pay $22 when requesting to transfer the stickers. Even though the REG1000 form says the fee doesn't apply to owner transfer. -One told me he has no clue what happened and I'd have to fill out form REG1000 all over again and pay $22 and get new stickers. He advised me to mark that my original stickers were "lost or stolen". -One person said someone at the DMV messed up and issued me new stickers on accident but they must have forgotten to put them in the mail. Said to call back in a month if I don't get another letter with stickers. What the heck is the real way this is supposed to happen? I'm afraid to drive in the HOV lane now and that was the main reason I bought this car.
You are probably right but it makes me nervous driving in the carpool lane with my "certificate" that I'm supposed to show police reading one decal number and my car actually having a different decal number. Knowing my luck I'll end up having to go to court and it could be a big mess.
Cops are human, they will understand. You have a legit sticker on your car, it's not fake. But you probably will never get pulled over in the carpool lane.
If you want to be super safe, keep a log of all of your interactions with the DMV and a copy of the certificate in your car with you. If it's obvious you're obeying the law but just got caught in bureaucratic hole, 99% of officers won't give you a ticket for such a thing. Generally the Police have a relationship with the courts, and try not to issue frivolous tickets that will end up in court and wasting everyone's time.
@Pasaman didn't you have a plug in for sale in a while back? I thought you sold one on here because you didn't use the carpool
Lol. And 15% of people don't have car insurance, and yet they aren't stressing about it. Your issue is a non-issue. The Oregon Marine Board takes months to issue tags for a vessel, even after having already paid the substantial fee. I printed up fake tags for my boat and used shipping tape to secure them just to avoid any hassle with patrol. Cops have bigger fish to fry. Maybe it's different if you're black or Hispanic, depending on regional racism. CA is corrupt. They shouldn't be issuing the most efficient vehicles an express pass in traffic. It's the efficient vehicles that should be put in gridlock traffic while the trucks, hummers, and other fuel hogs get access to the smoothest lanes of travel.
The idea is to provide the benefit and people buy more of the clean air vehicles. You give access too big hummers, they'll end up selling more of those. And that's not the idea.
I understand how the corrupt politicians sell the idea, but they aren't doing the environment any favors and at a cost of clogging up the HOV lanes. If you actually want to do something about fuel consumption, you tack on a $5,000 extra fee for fuel hogs like the Hummer. Then you give that $5,000 to people who buy fuel efficient vehicles. The reward for Hummer drivers having subsidized fuel efficient vehicles would then be single occupancy of the HOV lanes, which is better for the environment than letting them idle while stuck in traffic. Even less complicated is to simply increase the tax rate on fuel. Anything else is corruption.
I agree about increasing fuel taxes, but that's also much harder than providing subsidies. Lets say CA does allow really inefficient vehicles carpool lane use and bans efficient vehicles. If the carpool lane averaged 50mph, other lanes averaged 25mph, and you have a driver with an H3 and one with a Prius driving 2 hours/day, the H3 + Prius would travel 150 miles and use 7.25 gallons of gas. As it stands now, with those numbers, the two would use 5.13 gallons. The problem with letting inefficient vehicles use the carpool lane is encouraging more miles driven by those vehicle owners and less mileage driven by the owners of efficient vehicles. The same would apply if you made the most efficient vehicles (motorcycles) drive 25mph on the right shoulder. The only way letting inefficient vehicles use the carpool lane would work is to somehow limit the number of miles those inefficient vehicles drive, and I *can't think of any feasible or even legal way to do that. With that said, the H3 driver can still carpool and get access to the HOV lanes that way like any other driver. * A city bus or other large vehicle being driven from it's usual location to someplace else for maintenance/repair is the only thing I can think of, because that bus is getting there one way or another.