It was still showing one full bar, didn't see warning pump light, computer read 606 miles/66.0 mpg. Filling up, running in very slow at first click 10.7 gallons to fill tank 606=56.6 mpg I'm a little concerned that light had never come on but actually was looking for a blinking light, couldn't have had much over .6 gallon of gas left in tank. So I was suppose to see a gas pump light, missed that. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right place
I only let my tank get that low one time. (My very first tank.) I saw a solid yellow "gas pump" light up, on the upper screen. It just stayed there until I refueled. I think there was a little less than one bar remaining on the gas gauge? I also heard a "ding", and a message popped up on the big black screen: "Low fuel. Would you like directions to a gas station?" That's a nice feature. It was interesting to see how far I could go on a tank. One time is enough. Now I never let my gas get below 1/2 full.
I'm curious to know how much gas was actually in tank when that light came on. In my case, no indication that I was low on fuel when I filled up but it could have been ready to come on. 10.7 gallons seem like a lot of gas without a warning. I guess I will find out next time I refuel, want to see that warning, like you said at least one time.
8.5% diff is a bit more than the 5% some 4th gen owners are reporting. This could be due to the car delivered a little shy of full, different than the technique you're using at fill up.
Gary, maybe Kevin (krmcg) will add his comments here. He has a lot of expertise and experience with this. He posted good information in the Gen4 gas mileage threads.
yea, I chatted with him, but didn't hear exactly what i wanted to hear, he may can add more to this. If its normal to put 10.71 gallons of gas in without packing it(first click) is normal without warning coming up that I was low on fuel. He don't seem to be adding that much gas at fill ups, even after his warning light comes on.
The new Prius uses a regular low fuel light (the orange/amber icon of a gas pump) like a regular car. This compares to the blinking pip on the Gen 2/3 cars. Perhaps you were thinking of seeing a blinking pip like your old Prius?
Are we believing the GAS PUMP is reading correctly the pump could be off , in the stations favor of course
My last car, a FORD, would change the l/100km display (or whatever default I had) to "km to empty" display when it went below 100km, and give a beep - you could change it back, but it would revert back every time you started the car. As far as I found out, it didn't have a low fuel light. What did your "km to empty" read at the time? With my previous cars, (which needed filling more regularly), I'd try as much as possible to always fill up at the same pump, same fuel station, which gave me a better chance of consistent measurements. I'd only fill till first click too - which is very variable with different pumps. Many years ago, I queried why a car I had would take at least 1½+ gallons more than the specification, and was told that they take what a typical person would squeeze into the tank, assuming that it had an operating reserve to start with and stops at the first click. Some cars are almost full at first click, yet others will take a dribble for 10 mins before finally full.
yes, I may have missed seeing that but the screen message, the way I understand comes on at the same time gas pump lights up. I've heard it also makes a ding sound when screen message comes up. Time will tell, I'll report back when I fill up again. The pump could have been off but it was a new sheetz gas place, very busy there. I would think if that were the case then people would be complaining.
Do you guys always pull the nozzle out when the pump clicks off? I can get about $2 more in there after it stops.
I use to top off Gen 3 but after reading here and also, book says first click. After I got 9 gallons in today, the pump allowed me to slow way down and filled last fuel very very slow until first click so it was pretty full. Some pumps don't give you this choice of filling slow. The salesman told me also that there was the air factor possible with filling all the way or topping off.
I can squeeze nearly another whole gallon in there (depending on price.) That's another 60 miles? It will be my "emergency reserve." (But I never let my car get that low. I don't like the feeling of being near empty. I guess I'm the only Prius owner that fills up when it gets down to 1/2. )
I fuel up to the first click, note how many L and then do 3 clicks again and stop there. The difference is typically a little less than a L like on the Gen3 I had. Air from bubbles pumping quickly and vapor recuperation will add to the error. Which now after a few tanks, is hovering around 4-5% instead of the 6-6.5% I had with the Gen3. So it seems that the MFD is 1-2% more accurate.
I like to squeeze every ounce of that new Mobil "Synergy" fuel into my tank. (and keep water bottle handy to wash fender, for when it overflows.)
Well, it's only overflowed two times. Yup. I even wax inside the fuel filler compartment. Don't want any of those Mobil Synergy "Marked Molecules" damaging the paint.
ok, here's the deal, I filled up 2016 over the weekend as I noted in the beginning of this thread. I was up there today with my 2015 gen 3 and needed some gas so pulled in and used the same pump #9, car pointing in same direction(level). Usually when light starts blinking with 25 miles left to 0 I could pack 10.4 gallons of gas in. This particular time my readout was that I had 50 miles to go, and I put in 10.8 gal gas till the first click, could have put more but stopped there. I came to the delusion that pump is indeed off, should have held around 10 gallons and that would be packing gas in. This is my story so want be going back there again. I sent an email to headquarters, they can do what they want to about it. A gen 3 owner knows how much gas will fill there vehicle up. It seems like a lot of drama going on here lately so decided also to call the manager at this particular gas place and report pump number 9. I was real nice about it cause nothing I can do about it anyhow other than complain. The manager person said they would send in request that pump be checked and they told me it was done monthly and also another check was made also. Let see what else I can do about it, google search also called Raleigh: NCDA&CS Public Affairs Division. They said they would call me back after pump is checked.