Does anyone know someone that makes an armrest cover for the center console lid. My is light beige and I can tell it is starting to show some wear and dirt. thanks.
Go to a local shoe maker like i did, see if he has any extra pieces of leather that will match your color. I paid 10.00 for the piece and he charged me 10.00 to put it on total cost $20
I found one on ebay for about $30.00 in leather, fits great, great quality, and I think they have your color, too, mine is grey. I forgot his name but search for Prius cover or google it. He has been selling these for a long time.
Is this the one you have? (from seller lindbergh61) 2010 - 2012 Toyota Prius Leather Center Console Cover | eBay
Azimuth, that is gorgeous! Could you explain a little how or who you had do that. An incredible add-on to the prius.
Here are some quick notes: if more detail/guidance is needed please ask. Have some Naphtha on hand. It is great for cleaning off adhesive without damaging the pleather. I used Heavy Duty Welder Contact Adhesive. I used the instructions provided by Dan Bo in this thread to remove the arm rest so Thanks go to him. Once I had the top piece removed, I carefully peeled the Microfiber finish off the arm rest. I left the padding in place. I then used the leftover pleather that I had purchased at Joann Fabrics from my door mod. I cut the pleather to as close a fit as possible using the old MF material I had peeled off as a stencil. start on one side in the center and glue down the two middle tabs only. once they have bonded to the plastic you can stretch the material to the opposite side. Play around with your corners. The important thing is to spread the "pleats" as much as possible, you can stretch the material quite effectively to hide all the pleats under the armrest where you won't see them. once you have a grasp of how you will need to pull the material effectively, continue to use the contact adhesive and pull the material tight towards the center tabs you already glued. you should be able to hold the tabs in place a few minutes while the adhesive dries. If you find that it takes too long to dry, you are using too much adhesive. -Sorry for hijacking the thread.
Interested, I have the taupe interior and want to match the dary grey Ct200 seats I installed. What color should I go with. Is there a good way to try and match it up?