I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on the best Double Din Dash Kit for my Gen III Prius. I bought myself a Pioneer AVH4400BH (AVH-P4400BH - 2-DIN Multimedia DVD Receiver with 7" Widescreen Touch Panel Display, Built-In Bluetooth®, and HD Radio™ Tuner | Pioneer Electronics USA) and I want to get the other parts ordered that I need to install it. I'd like to order the stuff today, so I can hopefully get it next week and get it installed. My quandry is whether it's worth the $100 or so to buy the OEM parts, or if the kits from companies like Metra are good enough (~$25). I really want to try and preserve the factory finish, the textured look that is there now. Does anyone know of any dash kits that maintain that factory finish, besides the OEM one? I know many CLAIM that they maintain that look, but in reality they don't. If anyone has any first hand experience and/or photos they can share of double din dash kits, I would really appreciate it. I want to maintain the factory look, and if there is an aftermarket kit that maintains the look I'd prefer to not spend the $100 for OEM parts. Thanks in advance!
Nobody that has done one of these stereo swaps can comment on the quality of the dash kit? Droid RAZR HD MAXX
Other posts I have seen say the metro kit blows, as well as the other aftermarket kits. The Toyota kit is an exact cosmetic match. However, the hole is reported to be wider than a standard double din.
Yeah I'm pretty sure the factory Toyota kit was closest texture match, and you need the spacer kit for an aftermarket HU. All that info is on here on other threads.
I saw the writeup that used the factory kit. I'll snag a Metra one and see if I like it. If not, I'll order the Toyota parts. Droid RAZR HD MAXX
I installed a Pioneer AVH-4400BH in the Prius today. I used the Metra kit and while it works and was a good value for $10, I think I'll order the OEM pieces and do it that way. I want the finish to match. Droid RAZR HD MAXX
Since it's been a while: I wanted to bring this thread to the top again to see if anyone has found an aftermarket solution dash kit that matches the factory texture…