Love my 2016 Prius Two, however, I am experiencing one problem-- and that is how in the world do I replace the rubber inserts on these new windshield wipers? I bought new ones from my dealership where I purchased the car about a month ago. They had to order them since no had yet asked for them. They said I did not need to order the entire windshield wiper since the car was so new--duh. Anyway I have been trying to figure out how to remove the original inserts and replace them with these new ones but, have been unable to do so. I have searched the internet and have only found videos showing how to replace the entire windshield wiper--not the insert. The Toyota Parts Department said they must be replaceable otherwise Toyota would not offer the inserts for sale separately. I even had the Service Department manager and four different techs attempt to figure it out and they were all stumped as well--although they all agreed the inserts must be replaceable. So, if anyone is able to figure this out, I would appreciate them providing an answer here on this forum. Thank you, Perplexed P. S. I do not have to replace the inserts immediately but, I am one of those oddballs who is always looking ahead vs. waiting to the last minute. And my Toyota Parts Department said new windshield wipers (one entire unit) costs $68.00 each!
I saw a button on the front wipers. Doesn't the arm just pop out? And insert the new one? That's how it was on my Camry. Only $18 I think. I sure hope I don't have to feed those skinny rubber blades in there...
You're kidding. Four techs and the manager didn't know how to replace wiper blades?! That REALLY gives me confidence in Toyota's training (or lack thereof!)
My dealership put the inserts in for me...for free. And my Prius is 3 years old. Which doesn't help you. BUT... I watched and it did not seem too complicated. You basically have to remove the old inserts including the metal strip, then replace with new insert, using reusing the metal strip. If you just purchased the car a month ago? I'm surprised they didn't install them for you as a courtesy. Especially if the original ones were defective.
Wiper removal/installation is on page 624/625 in the Gen4 owners manual. The service manager couldn't look that up? You press a button, and that little arm (with the blades) just slides off. I would rather just replace that arm (with the rubber already attached), but the book also shows how to remove the rubber by itself... and feed a new one back in there.
It's good to be proactive, like learn how to remove the whole front and rear blade style, much easier to replace the inserts when the blade's off the car. One thing with that: be very careful, put a towel between the arm and the glass when the blade's off. That said: Think about the reason the dealership had to order the blades in. You may trade the car before they're needed. Cargo cult, lol.
I understand that you are replacing just the rubber and not the wiper frames. I replace the inserts, 2-front & 1-rear, every 12 months. The rubber has two metal strips, one on each side of the blade, which hold it in place. One end of the metal strips is notched, and that end can be squeezed and pulled out using pliers. Insert the metal strips into the new wiper rubber and slide into the wiper frame. The end of the rubber insert has a notch which mates with the end of the frame and holds it in place. Much easier to do than to describe.
Yes, especially when that's essentially the same way wiper inserts have been attached for many decades. Only in the past few years did so many stores stop selling the replacement inserts to fit nearly every car. Now they want you to replace the entire blade every time the rubber part needs to be replaced. I'm glad Toyota is an exception to that wasteful trend.
Sorry, read the OP's post more carefully. Wow. That's simply a service department of which I would not return.
That's good to know. Now I'm really confused about the dealer. Sounds like it's just a standard clip.
I just tried to replace the front wiper blades in my 2016 Prius Three Touring. I went to an auto store and got a pair of standard replacement wiper blade. Well apparently the wiper arm of the Prius is not a standard hook type arm, but some new fangled design that is certainly not standard. (It is not the old pin design either) I am not sure if a replacement wiper (that is the rubber and frame) is available anywhere but Toyota. As far as just changing the rubber, I guess those hopefully are available in an auto part store.
The Bosch website lists wiper blades for a 2016 Prius. They claim their parts H1901 (front right), H2601 (front left), and R1616 (rear) are factory replacements, but they offer many other grades and styles. I’m a long way from needing new windshield wipers, but when I do, unless the blades or arms are damaged, I’ll probably just buy the Toyota inserts: 85214-78010 — RUBBER, WIPER, RH 85214-47110 — RUBBER, WIPER, LH 85214-47010 — RUBBER, REAR WIPER These parts are used on all ZVW5# Prius models; the front positions are reversed on right-hand drive cars, of course. Speaking of which, in Japan, Toyota sells winter blades as a dealer-installed accessory: 85291-47100 — BLADE, FRONT WIPER, WINTER, RH (¥6,300) 85291-78021 — BLADE, FRONT WIPER, WINTER, LH (¥3,600) 85291-44100 — BLADE, REAR WIPER, WINTER (¥3,600)
Bumping an old thread, but what the Bosch website lists is correct for a Gen 3, but not a Gen 4. (I tried to get a 26A and 19B at Autozone today, and they were the hook style only, no adapters to what Toyota used on the Gen 4. And, the Autozone employee that helped out when I found out that it wasn't compatible tried a 19OE and the Duralast 19" on the passenger side, and got nowhere.) And, for the sake of completeness, here's how to replace the rubbers (rather than saying go to the manual page 624/625):
I like Bosch. They seem to last much longer. Drove around to 4 stores today trying to find Bosch wiper blades that will work on my 2016. The Bosch attachment is wrong. Auto parts guy even tried switching the attachment, no luck. Even ordered a pair online from Amazon. They won't attach. Damn Prius... why so complicated?! I hate to buy the cheap Toyota rubber, but maybe that's the answer.
I still have the OEM blades on ours, it'll be eight years in November. Granted we're on the 49th latitude, and the car is low miles and mostly garage stored, but they seem quite durable, and there's no surprises with the fit.