Did you see the Kenyan in the 800m? Margaret Wambui? Caster Semenya into semi-finals of Rio Olympics 800 metres Caster Semenya is intersex - she's made that clear. But Margaret Wambui was just a bloke with long hair.
that was my first thought. then i remembered the sex testing controversy. so i googled her, and it's a pretty interesting story. it must be a difficult job for the olympic committees.
The Tall Whites can run 40 mph. Something about their home planet having much higher gravity. They weigh about half that of a human of the same height. But no contact sports. They're fragile by human standards, and slow to heal. Adult Greys require breathing devices to supply more oxygen / less nitrogen. A human using the same breathing device would awesome. The interstellar Olympics are going to have some new rules...
I've read a lot about Caster Semenya, and I understand the challenges everyone faces there in making sure that we're not discriminatory, but that we're fair to everyone. But I know next to nothing about Margaret Wambui, and there seems to be very little in the public domain, other than things no more scientific than my "She looks like a bloke" comment. Based on my extremely unscientific - and, I will freely admit, totally unfair - view, Semenya looks intersex, but Wambui doesn't. I really don't know what's going on.
And Jamaica is quite close to the equator, where you'd be lighter than you would at the North Pole. Makes you think.
Speculative Sci Fi has dealt with non-binary nature of sexuality. As this is ET thread, those folks ought to be allowed to do whatever, as long as their species can persist over time. Here with humans, much less than 1% survive the womb as intersex (I have reason to say it in that way, maybe disclose later). A few % (across all cultures) find themselves homosexually attracted. Whatever, y'know? It has not seemed to dampen human population growth. Other species (much less studied) do so also. If you lock yourself into a binary view, the (few) other cases are always going to give you trouble. I have no help to offer.
Gravity varies at parts per thousand and not tightly to latitude. Gravity of Earth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia We have just now finished the lowest-G Olympics since Mexico City. You said you wanted to think. I'm all in favor.
One of the weakest episodes of Star Trek TNG covered this. But yes, there's a lot of it in speculative Sci Fi, and rightly so. For one thing, we know nothing about the nature of sexuality on other planets. (In fact, it may be that the reason they haven't contacted us, as the OP lamented, is simply that they're too busy banging themselves silly to bother contacting us, and they will only contact us if they reckon we're up for it.) But for another speculative Sci Fi is a brilliant way to examine and/or teach by allegory. Have you read much about the Sad Puppies? Hmm. I don't have much time for them. Indeed. My cat, for example, is gay, and he has done nothing to threaten the future of the species. Indeed.
In that wiki, the 'Potsdam potato' is a featured image. It relates to Earth having two types of crust, but presents problems for our current simplified understanding. Perhaps an environmental thread will be made to consider that subject
It would be nice if there were more thinking going on. As it is, I am going to speculate that the Jamaica must be subject to particularly strong gravity. Or they're space aliens. Or both.
Good to see on that map that there's lots of gravity in South-East Australia. It turns out I'm not fat after all. I just live somewhere with lots of gravity. Hooray!
As typical for recent Olympics, a large number of condoms were made freely available to athletes. 450,000 is the number I recall, without great certainty. All to prevent hybridization? Wowee wow wow.
"Red meet black, friend of Jack. Red meet yellow, bite a fellow," works for differentiating deadly coral snakes from non-venomous king snake mimics in the US, and maybe down into Central America, but it doesn't apply in South America. In Australia, best to assume everything is either venomous or poisonous; the snakes, the spiders, the wallabies(maybe even the Wallabees), the platypuses, the Vegamite... The corn kernels that don't pop fail because of microscopic pores that allow the steam to escape. Now I'm wondering if these non-popping kernels have a better chance to germinate than the popable ones. My biggest beef with 'ancient astronaut theorists' is that they ignore how clever humans can be. I'll just say similar outside pressures will lead to convergent evolution regardless of the genetic building blocks. Things like cyanbacteria and red algae might manage it. Then there might be enough chemical and energy sources on the planet itself to not matter. Another factor where planet and atmospheric composition comes into play with shielding magnetic fields and gases.
Expose of the National Security State Video of a 4 hour seminar by Dr. Steven Greer. A report starting with the "Foo Fighters" of WWII, following through with our security reaction to UFOs over the past 65 years. I've been following Dr. Greer for quite a while, and this seminar contains a lot of information new to me. Parental guidance advised. Other YouTube videos in the series are listed at Sirius Disclosure - YouTube The website Sirius Disclosure | has additional information, including eBooks and DVDs available for sale. I'm currently plowing through the $10 eBook "Extraterrestrial Contact.pdf", which contains much of the same information in written format. I'd recommend the free videos first. There are also pirate copies of the pdfs floating around the internet that you may encounter. If you wish to support Dr. Greer's work, there is a crowd funded major movie currently in production called "Unacknowledged". The first video in the YouTube list is a teaser for it.
what university is he at? he had an 'up close and personal' with a ufo at the age of 8. well, that will change your perspective, won't it.