Hello to fellow Prius owner. I hope there are some people here with some tech knowledge that might help in solving this: I've Prius 2010 with about 130K Miles on it. Until about month ago everything work fine. Since then - the battery performance dropped down significally and fuel consumption went up about 15% at least. The battery drops down to 1 bar, even when ICE working, suddenly jumps from 2 bars to full or drops down from full to 2 bars within 3-4 seconds at a time. I've warranty here on the battery (You pay some premium and get 1 year/10K miles warranty on the Hybrid System & Battery). Unfortunately the local dealer states that as long as there is no warning lights, as far as he is concerned - this is not a problem and refuses to take care of this. The dealer even refused to do test drive on a car to see the problem. I've insisted to getting the system plugged to computer to get Hybrid System Status. Please see attached PDF with test results. What do you think? Did anybody had this issue with his car? What would you recommend to do? Thanks.
When we exceeded 100k miles I spoke with the Dealership Service Manager. He said that there are no main-battery tests. No way to see the health of the battery. Nothing like that. So long as the on-board computers do not flag something, there is nothing he can do.
If the battery goes from full to 2 bars within a few seconds, there is a problem. I'm thinking if you let the car sit without driving for a couple weeks, the cars computer should throw a code. The imbalanced weak module will get weaker and a code will present itself
I have a similar issue with a 2010, where it occasionally throws the P0A80 code, but shouldn't there also be a trouble code associated with it to pinpoint the bad module/block # where the weak module is located?
somewhere in there, you can isolate the bad cells. you'll probably have to look through the pertinent threads.
Click on the p0a80 and it'll give you more info. If you don't have the expertise to change out the module, knowing which module failed won't help much
Did that and nothing comes up there either, that's why I'm posting here, to see if I can get some real expertise. I've probably replaced a thousand modules.
This guy exaggerates like that Olympian. Replaced a thousand modules and doesn't know how to diagnose p0a80. Then starts cursing you out when you question him on his lack of knowledge. Spoiled little kid attitude