Does Toyota ever put out any software/firmware updates for the Prius, especially the C? If so, how do you get it? If not, why not?
There have been safety upgrades for the Prius Liftback and the v for inverter software. If you ever go to a dealer for service he will update all safety related software unless forcibly restrained. They take product liability seriously. IF they ever have to update engine control software, expect the EPA to make them re certify it. There will be most likely no changes that wake up the EPA. The infotainment software gets updates like new map updates but Toyota chooses to price those so that buying a Tom Tom or Garmin is cheaper. (and better)
Let say there are 2 required calibrations in my friend's Prius C and 8 in another Prius C. (Different years) Getting into TIS and downloading those should be straighforward. But I am not in a hurry to do that as I do not know anyone who applied those and how it has affected their gas consumption. New calibration file could be a compromise for something we do not know and affect something else what we do not want to be changed (MPG). What calibration files are popped out in yours?
Checked the label - Toyota put Castrol 5W30. Manual suggests that among other types. In all my other non-hybrid Toyotas I was using Mobil S 2000 10W40 (semi-synthetic) for over 18 years with no issues (e.g. 190.000 km - ok). That type was advised to me many years ago by my friend who was Director of Mobil branch at a time. We have mild climate in Auckland +5C (rare winter night) normally +10 +15C (night) +25C (day) that makes the choice of Oil easier... P.S. as your signature is screaming for likes on facebook just liked your page from my page: Toyota Hybrid Battery Experts | Facebook Fun fact 1: one of the first teleport "bridges" (FR over VSat link) we've built with California was in early 90-s (not from NZ). It is a small world... Fun fact 2: I wanted orange Prius C like yours but I thought orange will not be good background for adds. My friend who owns driving school got orange Prius C like yours. Adds in dark blue with white borders looks great on his.
I called Toyota and they said firmware updates are done via dealer only because only the dealer has access to the firmware that Toyota gives out... Apparently there are different tiers of firmware depending on your headunit. The premium C 3 has AU, the other variant is B something below AU
Toyota just updated our 2017 prius they claimed for safety reasons. This somehow broke the entune system so it will have problems with connected phones. They will work for several weeks and then the entune system will continuously restart making it unusable. They tried updating the radio which caused it to be non operable. They then put in a new system, after 3 weeks, it had the same problem. They said it was a faulty radio, so a second radio was installed. After 3 weeks of working fine, it started the same thing. 6 trips back to the dealer and they said the factory said it was our basic bluetooth phone, and we needed one of their approved (12) smart phones for the system to work. The Toyota corporate rep says that they are not liable for any problems caused by their updates, and it does not apply to anything written in their manual, or the manual they have posted on their web site. After 20 years of loyalty to Toyota, we are finished, the Prius is still in warranty, but that does not matter to Corporate, they said I can talk to their attorneys. We really wanted the Sienna, for our 4runner replacement, but there will be no more toyota's.
Don't blame you. Pretty sad they still can't face the fact that Entune sucks. I can't think of a single person at the dealership who likes it. Even the district Rep confessed it was crap. So if they lose customers, then it's their fault. That being said, why don't you just go aftermarket for a few hundred dollars. Quite a few people here are doing that already.