March 1, 2004 $500 deposit Bloomington Toyota, Bloomington, Minnesota Dealer estimate of 6-8 months - told dealer that if I have to wait that long, better make sure it will be a 2005 model.... :lol: Silver #9 option package #77 on list at time of order #70 on list March 15th, 2004 Received "Toyota Prius, Hybrid Synergy Drive" keychain March 21st, 2004 with confirmation of order from Toyota.
Just an update here, as of April 3, 2004, there are now 110 orders on the dealers list after the local auto show here, new orders are being told it will be a year to a year and a half wait. 110 orders, my number is now 67. Also the dealer said they are now receiving 100% of their orders coming in with package #9......don't know what happens to the other people that don't want the full blown option package....
The Dealership wouldn't happen to be the Walser Dealership in bloomington (where we picked up our pkg 3 TRAC) would it. We found Walser Great to work with.
June Update Ok, so now its June, as of the 12th there are now 149 orders, the dealership is back to getting 30% #3's, 30% #7's and 40% #9 packages. My number is now at #48 . And yes, this is the Walser dealership just off of 494, by Southtown mall. Dealership is still only getting 6-8 Prius's per month with mine being number 15 of package #9, Silver color.
Appreciate your regular postings as to what is happening at Walser, despite living in Boise, ID, we have enjoyed working with them before so have gone back to them for our second Prius order. (White #7) don't know where we are on the list though can certainly afford to wait while saving up for it. Jon
July 1st update: I usually go during the middle of the month, but it was a nice saturday and I decided to have some lunch so I stopped in Now I am #39 on a list that has dropped to 139, dealer said several cars had been delivered and several people had dropped off the list, either they canceled their order or they got theirs somewhere else. At any rate, mine is #12 on the package 9, silver color so it is getting closer. I am begining to wonder if I will see it yet this year.... Dealer says it for sure will be a 2005 model and he still thinks mine should come up in the late September/early October time frame. He still has no information on any changes in the 2005 models. My original salesman is now transferred over to the new scion dealership as sales manager there. I was concerned that my order would get lost in the shuffle, but it turns out he will continue service all the customers he has, he is just doing any more new orders
LeStarTech, Great to see you moving up in the world. Haven't bothered to call Walser ourselves. Did get the keychain. By your progress through the list, I won't expect that ours will show up before Jan '05 and more like March given the differential that you previously mentioned between #7 and #9 pkgs. Also my wife is set on the white which may add to the wait. I suspect that you will still qualify for the '04 $1500 federal tax thing as I am sure you will see yours well before 12/31/04.
August update.....ok, I am a little late getting this one in here, things are quite hectic at my house. After a full summer of dealing with builders, architects, city hall, builders, more city hall and back to builders....well, the garage/house addition has finally started !! My original salesman was moved over to the scion dealership now, but will still do the delivery when my time comes. The new salesman on the Prius's is computer based and sends me emails when the list is updated. So now I get an excel spreadsheet showing the latest details, he says it should come twice a month. As of August 3rd, there are now 132 people on the list, and my number is down to 29 ! They only got three cars in this part of the August allotment, I hope they get a few more in the next half.... 'cause at 3 cars a month I would be looking at another 10 months ! is getting hard to be patient, but I have my garage construction that is keeping me distracted for now, hopefully that will be completed before the prius arrives :lol:
September 13th update: They are only getting like two or three cars in each allocation, twice a month now, so much for the idea of bigger quantitys coming in Right now my number is 20 on a list of 126 orders, they still tell me I should have it in October.....but I don't see how at only 5 cars a month, thats 4 more months which would make it January of 2005??? Geeez I hope their allocation picks up, I want that $1500 fed tax thing.
Hi LeStarTech, I know what you mean...I'm just a few spots ahead of you on the same list...was #15, when I last checked at end of August, for a silver #7 or 9 (preferably 7). But I think there are about 5 people ahead of me that wanted silver (with dark interior) too, so I don't know what/when to expect. Good luck! Rob
October 4th update: Now there are 119 orders on the dealer list, they got 5 prius's in this first allocation of October, moving my number down to number 12 now :lol: My garage is slooooowly coming along, have roof and now cement floor and driveway, still need doors and wiring and the addition needs doors and electrical, and HVAC ductwork and sheet rock and ....... lol. Hopefully it will be done in the next few weeks, Minnesota is hinting at winter now
October 25th update: Well my garage is 99% done now Just got the update from the dealer, they got 11 total cars in October and that brings me to number 8 now !! So I probably won't make the cut in the first allocation of November, but should be in the second allocation which means the car shows about 30 days after that so......I may have my prius for Christmas? :lol: wouldn't that be a nice present from me to me
November 3rd update: 118 orders on the list, my number is down to number 6 now after the dealer only received 2 prius in this allocation. They are expecting 5 or 6 in the November 22nd allocation, so its possible I will see my VIN number in another two weeks On a side note, my garage is done now, all three garage door openers are installed and just waiting for the new prius to come home !!
November 16th update: Five cars came in this allocation, I was number 6 on the list as of the 3rd of November update, now I am number 4 on the list. Guess this is when it gets hard since you maybe be the top of the order, but if your color or option is not one of the ones that comes in, the car goes on down the list. 120 total orders on the list now, guess I will have to wait now for the December allocation and see what comes in. There are three of us that all want Silver and Package 9 (or the new package 6 number). Guess it would be doubtful that the allocation would contain 3 Silver's and package 6 option maybe I won't see mine until January.
December 2nd update: Number 2 on the list now, dealer is only getting 25% of orders being number 6 (old number 9) package and 9 of the top ten orders all want the package 6. This is the hard part now, at the top of the list but have to watch as others further down get their cars while I wait for my color/option choice to come in . Hard to believe that 9 months have gone by now, well, I guess "pregnacy" is actually closer to 10 months . Maybe I will be in labor
December 22, 2004: Today I got the call from the Toyota dealer that my vehicle is on the boat from Japan, the color and option package that I ordered. They said it should be here sometime in January and will give me a call when it reaches port. Its been 10 months that I have been waiting, now perhaps only a few weeks more. At this point I can't even say I am excited about it anymore, perhaps when it is actually HERE and I can see it maybe it will be different.
Having caught your saga once or twice before, I just have to say... Yay! Congrats! arty: Your contractions have begun... . I think you'll be more excited once you actually physically get to drive around in your car.
Thanks betshsu Here it is the end of the year, only a few more weeks hopefully now and already I am starting to think of all the things I have to do to get ready. There are all the "lists" to print out for the "pickup", there are the decisions of the extended warranty, what the dealer will offer and what is available through this group. I have my garage ready for the new arrival, I have my Toyota coupons, dealer coupons, the pricing all laid out, now I am just waiting for those "contractions" to start Thanks for your support
January 7th 2005 Ok, so now I am getting anxious, I called the dealer to find out the status. Apparently its in transit and scheduled to arrive at the dealership between the 12th and 17th of January 2005. So another 10 days, I guess I can wait that, afterall, its been over 10 months !!