Great car, great memories. I grew up in New Zealand, where Holdens were a sought-after car - especially the Commodore and Kingswood models.
My FJ was about 12 yrs before the Kingswood, and 23 yrs before Commodore. GM is closing Holden Commodore manufacture down next year (you saw it in USA a few years ago as Pontiac G8) - FORD finishes up next month, TOYOTA next year too - after that it'll only be imports. I can remember back to the '60s, '70s when just about all our cars were either manufactured here, or at least assembled, but they've gradually closed down and become importers. The crazy thing was, for the last 10 yrs, all 3 manufacturers left made almost identical sized large cars (Camry was the smallest of the 3, and the other 2 slightly larger) - when demand was for smaller cars, SUVs and Japanese style small trucks (HiLux etc) - and they couldn't make ends meet in the same market.
I think a quality full synthetic sealant like 2001 but any brand is the key. I always coat my new car and do the front and roof several times. If you run your fingers over the paint and it is not slick you need to wash and wax. Other option is to coat your car with high calcium content water so the spots will protect the car.
I thought I would try it, but Amazon says: "Not available for shipment to California. Non CARB compliant." I've just been using Meguiar's for years. Maybe not the best; Maybe not the worst. Seems to work pretty good.
Yes, the Turtle Wax 2001 is a good protectant too. With all the waxing I've been doing (about 9 times in six months?) you would think nothing would stick to the finish... But the birds don't care how many coats you put on!
I got two small chips in my windshield during my last trip on the freeway. Never saw what hit me... just heard a loud BANG.
Need to go to where you get yours done for $170. I typically used to pay $500-600 for previous vehicles front end inc a pillar and roof lines. On wifes current vehicle I fitted bumper and hood and leading edge of roof. SM-G928T ?
Front Windshield the Insurance Co will replace for free. Here in Miami, Florida . CA don't really know . Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Not much lately but some of the paint shops were putting a little color in the top clear coat. Never could afford that paint in the old days but I think it boils down to looks and how it adheres to plastic and aluminum as well as steel.. Prius is a complex car. Wonder how they electro plate the body if it has aluminum parts? Guess the frame/unibody is all steel. BTW my yellow cat died 3 years ago. Still miss him. Time for you to buy a new car today. Skip the financing and get the full dealer cash back.