Stephen Hawking says ": “If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,” Stephen Hawking Says We Should Hope Aliens Don't Find Us First | Inverse
Links to other sites discussing the Charles Hall story: Transcript of an interview with Charles Hall: Collection of interviews etc about Charles Hall: Charles Hall and The Tall Whites ETs Forum discussion of Charles Hall story Charles Hall and The Tall Whites Analysis of Charles Hall locations using modern Google Earth images (accessed via David Hilton "Evidence for the Tall White Aliens:
Seems like a stupid debate. Whether we are "worthy" of interstellar discovery. How that reality may play out. At this point, for the mass majority of Humanity living on Planet Earth, the whole thing is a repeating science fiction premise. And give humanity some credit, we've certainly had fun with it. With everything to civilization destroying Aliens with death rays, to E.T. phoning home. To miss-translated Alien "Human Cook Books". But it's such a fantastic reality...that speculation as to "how it would play out IF it happened" seems like what you think of as you stare at a blank screen just before writing your fictional story. The fact that it could go in an uncountable number of directions, is exactly why it's been such fertile ground for imaginative fiction. Real science debating the outcome...seems like a waste of time. This has been settled and resettled, and resettled again....from The Twilight Zone to ET's Suburban America. Wake me up when the shadow of the saucer falls over the White House. Then I can start worrying about whether I should be worrying. Until then? It's fun...fiction.
According to Charles Hall, the Tall White's interest in Earth is to maintain a base here. Just as our military maintains bases around the world, the Tall Whites need one here. They were probably already here when Europeans arrived in Nevada. Somewhere near the early 1950s we decided to test atomic bombs near (on top of?) their base. My speculation is that they worked out a deal with our military to relocate from our atomic test range to the nearby mountains. Part of that deal was that we would build the new base for them. There clearly was an effort on both sides to establish peaceful coexistence. To the Tall Whites, Earth is a waypoint, a place to stop on a longer journey. Their interest in humans is that they be allowed to maintain their base, and other than that, be left alone. The relationship has grown to the point of the Tall Whites sharing some of their technology with humans, in return for assistance with their base. Their apparent home star, Arcturus, is about 5 billion years old, compared to our sun at about 4 billion years. An extra billion years of evolution seems to have allowed them to develop technology beyond our own. The Tall Whites can travel the ~40 light years between Earth and a planet of Arcturus in several months. It doesn't make sense for them to send a radio message that wouldn't arrive for another 40 years after they do. Interstellar communications must use something other than radio. SETI is searching for the wrong signals...
I have no reason to doubt that ET arrived on Earth, first and coincident with nuclear testing, except that evidence for it (just as you've described) has only narrowly been revealed. The notion here is that at least hundreds of humans would know of this and were compelled by 'powers that be' to zip their lips. Only one or few as described above spoke out. We note (happily) that those folks have not been assassinated. But what we'd really like to know is how Tall Whites (among others?) might improve (or damage) human enterprise here, and if any of either, why it is not already in wider discourse? Two people can hold a secret for some time, perhaps. Twenty people, not so well. If there are 200 or more people, it would seem much more difficult.
There is more than one topic being discussed. Specifically... I personally think a debate over whether humanity on planet earth is "worthy" of interstellar discovery- stupid. I mean if you want to believe aliens are zooming past earth and going "meh" no reason to stop....go ahead. But my feeling is by definition we can never know if that reality is true or false. I tend to think the reason alien life forms haven't formally introduced themselves isn't because they find humanity to be so common and boring as to not even care. The reason I say this is ourselves. Once something is discovered, we want to study it. You can find someone that wants to study anything. From Dolphins and Apes to Moss and Fungus. The idea that this planet would be uninteresting or unworthy of "discovery" therefore seems ridiculous to me. Any life form capable of interstellar travel, I would expect at least as much curiosity from, as I do from ourselves. Even if they would look upon us more as we do fungus. The overall debate? Well it's classic isn't it? Aliens, contact...what it means or would I said, that's been a topic that at the very least, humanity has had a lot of fun speculating about. So far it has tangibly stayed in the realm of fiction or disputed, debated unproven happenings. I don't expect the debate, the discussion to end. It's ingrained mythology. To some nearly a religion. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a strong urge to shape my mash potatoes into a sculpture of Devils Tower.
the tall whites simply use the 'imperious' curse on humans to keep them from divulging information. it's the same thing the rothchilds do to keep people from finding out they are running the whole world.
Electric Me uses fungi as an example of something rather insignificant, yet through broad human insight, we ought to pay attention to. Or, I may not have that exactly right. But anything less than the greatest awe and respect just shows human narrowness. Not to blame individuals; as I've said before the entire educational system is at fault. Could do with a good wash and shaking out. Y'all would feel pretty bad if ET stopped by to collect a whole bunch of microbial genomes, and completely ignored the planet's 'big thinkers'.
i wouldn't feel bad, or be surprised. and agree on the education spin dry. but they've established themselves, and nothing short of a revolution will change it.
On cue, Maddie Stone admires fungi: The Technology That Will Build Our Future May Be Found In Mushrooms Rather than succumb to temptation to diss Miss Stone (for other writing), here I'll just note that Protaxites is by no means certain to be as described here. Just set that aside and enjoy all the rest.
of course, 'scientists' have tried to manipulate the environment for centuries. some successfully, and some disastrously.
I hesitate to say something is "ahead of it's time", because...well it wasn't. BUT...that movie was really a forerunner of so much Science Fiction that came after it. Haven't watched the original in a long time. I should pick a nice Fall evening and sit down and watch it again.