So you don't want someone to put a small wedge on the door frame to get a probe in to push the button, but you're ok with a sliding a piece of metal round all those wires, connectors and motors? Not sure on the Prius, but way back when I had a 1994 Taurus that had a window get stuck in the down position (turned out to be a bad ground). When I took the door apart I noticed that the lock rod was shielded. It didn't seem like you could get a slim jim in it. I think you would be hard pressed to find a locksmith willing to try a slim jim. A wedge and probe is going to be a safer alternative.
you may be correct. i'll work harder at maintaining my 40+ years of not having locked myself out of a car, i really don't want to find out.
If you can unlock a locked car from the hatch (or passenger door) then you can lock from the hatch, too. Feel or look to the immediate right edge of the release pad for a smaller round nib; push it to lock. Personally, I don't want to put a fob (disabled or not) in an onboard location such that obtaining it allows someone to drive the vehicle. A cut key is sufficient for interior access in case of a dead 12v. If I can't move the car, I can get a ride home to retrieve the spare. If I'm out of town, I'd have to tow to a dealer to program a new key. That can be done with interior access and an ID check. Your version is cheaper. But I'll take the cost risk over the security reduction associated with having a master fob stowed in an accessible (however inconspicuous) onboard location.
I try that already last night from the hatch Prius did not locked any door.I was curious to see what will happen. Will try again tonight. Thx Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That's cool. I do many things differently than other folks. A lot of G4 owners are new to the wonderful world of Prius, so I'm just trying to raise awareness. Back when G3's were new, I read some 'lost keyfob' posts that involved a skid truck and a nasty bill from the nice folks down at the local Toyota dealership, who really aren't that nice sometimes. Your car....your call. As far as the security implications of an on-board spare, I can assure you that if somebody gets into my locked car, then they're probably....almost certainly not going to find the fob, and if they do then they can have the car! Actually...its a company car, so they can have it anyway.... Priuses are probably statistically broken into about as much as most other small sedans, but I'm guessing that they're not actually stolen very much at all, and since most cars have key-less ignition these days? It's probably not a security issue. Car thieves usually go for cars that are either real valuable or rather ubiquitous, for pretty obvious reasons. The G4 is still pretty unique, so in most places it's not yet a car-theft magnet........commercials notwithstanding. Good Luck!!!
get down and look under the harch handle, you should see the small round lock button @wrprice mentioned.sometimes it's easier once you've seen it. two is the only model with driver door only. two eco and up all have 3 door.
If hiding a spare FOB in the car, would it be best to remove/isolate the battery? That way someone breaking in who does manage to find your hiding spot would need to then waste time opening the FOB to work out why it's not working - and probably give up instead. Currently my spare FOB is in the house, but I insulated the battery so hopefully the battery doesn't deplete quickly.
my spare fob has always been in the house, and seems to last the same 4-5 years as the one i use everyday.
You can also tell the fob to go into low power mode, where it won't listen for or respond to the car. That's about as close as you can get to "off" on those things without pulling or insulating the battery. Instructions are in the manual. A single button press resumes normal, full operation.
Yes ,you right it did locked the door. It small ball in the back of the trunk .that help a lot. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Page 171 of the 1000 page manual with a brain dead index. BTW/just talk dirty to it and it will do the same thing. ■Battery-saving function The battery-saving function will be activated in order to prevent the electronic key battery and the 12-volt battery from being discharged while the vehicle is not in operation for a long time. ●In the following situations, the smart key system may take some time to unlock the doors. • The electronic key has been left in an area of approximately 6 ft. (2 m) of the outside of the vehicle for 10 minutes or longer. • The smart key system has not been used for 5 days or longer. ●If the smart key system has not been used for 14 days or longer, the doors cannot be unlocked at any doors except the driver’s door. In this case, take hold of the driver’s door handle, or use the wireless remote control or the mechanical key, to unlock the doors. Electronic Key Battery-Saving Function When battery-saving mode is set, battery depletion is minimized by stopping the electronic key from receiving radio waves Press unlock button twice while pressing and holding the lock button ( be sure you are left handed) . Confirm that the electronic key indicator flashes 4 times (or knocks 3 times on the celling). While the battery-saving mode is set, the smart key system cannot be used. To cancel the function, press any of the electronic key buttons. ■Conditions affecting operation The smart key system, wireless remote control and immobilizer system use weak radio waves. In the following situations, the communication between the electronic key and the vehicle may be affected, preventing the smart key system, wireless remote control and immobilizer system from operating properly. (Ways of coping: P. 708) ●When the electronic key battery is depleted ●Near a TV tower, electric power plant, gas station, radio station, large display, airport or other facility that generates strong radio waves or electrical noise ●When the electronic key is in contact with, or is covered by the following metallic objects • Cards to which aluminum foil is attached • Cigarette boxes that have aluminum foil inside • Metallic wallets or bags • Coins • Hand warmers made of metal • Media such as CDs and DVDs ●When other wireless key (that emit radio waves) is being used nearby ●When carrying the electronic key together with the following devices that emit radio waves • Portable radio, cellular phone, cordless phone or other wireless communication devices • Another vehicle’s electronic key or a wireless key that emits radio waves • Personal computers or personal digital assistants (PDAs) • Digital audio players • Portable game systems ●If window tint with a metallic content or metallic objects are attached to the rear window ●When the electronic key is placed near a battery charger or electronic devices
Thanks - I saw that, but wasn't convinced it was completely "OFF" - I took it out with my previous car, and when the 1st FOB was 3 yrs old, I noticed the battery wasn't as strong, so used the other FOB instead - which lasted till I sold the car. As a theft deterrent, if someone found a FOB which had been put into "LOW POWER MODE", all they have to do is press the button and it unlocks the car. With removing or isolating the battery, they have to go and get a battery (or open it up to see what's wrong) - or go next door to steal their car instead.
The fob can be used to start the car, even if the fob battery is dead or removed, by holding it in close proximity to the start button. See page 708-709 of the US manual.
True - but it's unlikely that someone who steals a "dead" FOB will know that - or bother to read the manual, or even know that there is a key located within the FOB. Go to OPTION 2 - steal your neighbour's car. Hopefully.