this is my first car with keyless entry and I am impressed at how robust the Toyota keyless entry is, never had it not work on me, and its great that it is a standard option when its like a $800 dollar option on luxury cars like porsches, easily one of my favorite features, never having to take out the key to press a button or unlock is awesome also I have prius 2, but is there a way to open the trunk without using the manual rubber button in the trunk in back? is there a button inside somewhere
agreed, i haven't had a keyless entry problem in 5 hybrids over 12 years. one got a little buggy when the 8 year old 12v battery got weak. i considered a 2011 pkg 2 with one door sks, and am glad i didn't. 3 doors is so convenient. but if you want to fault toyota for something, a hatch button on the dash would be nice.
It great for us . I mess up my dad car. Forgot for a minute how to open his car with a regular key. I put the key in but open the door at the same time . The Handler came apart I have to buy him a new Handler from the driver side. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
True . My Ford Focus had one in the dash. The Two Eco I can lock the car from the driver and the passenger side but not from the trunk. I can only open the trunk. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Glad you're happy. But as far as supportive reviews go? It's not much of a endorsement to say you have a brand new 2016 Toyota Prius, never had keyless entry before and are impressed with how robust the system is... With a brand new Prius, "never had it not work on me" isn't that impressive. If it was failing already? You'd be at the dealership getting it fixed under the new car warranty. Get back to me when you've used the Keyless Entry for "years" not weeks or months...days? However, you may be happy to know, that overall the whole SKS system works pretty well. Occasional threads of people that start to experience various problems on older Prius, but overall yes it is a robust system that works well. I would also say, My Prius was the first vehicle I had with a push button start and a Smart Key System. I really felt before I owned my Prius that I didn't need either. I have come to really enjoy the convenience. Using an real ignition key, and pushing a button on a fob to lock and unlock the doors never seemed like much of a sacrifice before. But it is really nice to be able to simply keep the fob in your pocket, and get in your vehicle and push a button and go. I feel I've gotten weak and lazy....
I've had a prius since 2008 and my wife has had a series of Lexus' and now an Avalon Hybrid - so the keyless system in hardwired in my brain. I rented a car on a business trip last week (Toyota Rav4) with a "real" key. Wow, I never got used to having to take it out of my pocket to open the door. I have increased appreciation for the Prius keyless system!
Keyless entry works great Until it doesn't. This isn't emerging technology, and there are some things you can do NOW if you're going to keep your car for 4-5 years that might prevent you from getting a nasty bill in the future if your G4 turns into a 3000 pound lawn ornament. If the G4 foba are anything like the G3's then I'd get a third fob NOW, programme it, get the keylet cut and put it somewhere on the exterior of your vehicle. It's not hard. M/C operators are able to hide a key sometimes in a battery compartment or inside a headlamp bucket, etc. Then.....take the battery out of the fob and put it somewhere inside your car in a non-obvious place. This will make you "airport proof" (spouse gets out of the car at the airport with the fob in his pocket) or "Gym proof" or "Storm sewer proof", in other words? Tow Proof.....or at least Tow resistant. This sounds like a lot of work, and if you're one of those people who lead lives where nothing unusual ever happens, then please disregard....but I spent two hours one time looking for my keyfob once when my granddaughter decided to stow it away for me when she was a year and a half. Stuffed Kangaroo pouch? REALLY? People don't plan to fail, but sometimes they do fail to plan.
That, is good! Picking up on your idea of storing a key, is there any reason to think the average AAA responder would have trouble opening up the door (without doing much damage with his wedges and such) if one needed them to get a key inside the vehicle somewhere?
Hmmmm. I just do not know. My experiences are with a G3, and I've never tried to slim-jim one. My GMCs all have RFID keys which also means that getting into the vehicle with a key isn't the same as being able to drive away with it. My solution is to tie wrap a key WAAAAY up inside somewhere where getting to it involves major inconvenience but minor expense. I work evenings and nights on callouts and I've had to access my emergency key at oh-dark-thirty for the Prius once when I was inadvertently locked outside a building 100 miles from home. I had to drive back the next day and get my badge and regular key BUT I was able to get the car home without waiting for AL the tow truck driver. I've heard of people driving off with the key in a spouses purse/pocket. I've heard of keys getting stolen at the beach, in a gymn, in a purse, etc... I've even heard of somebody locking their fob inside the car when the battery is weak or the fob is inside a tool bag (happened to a tech once.) It's rare, but it happens. Often? At an inconvenient time. You're right. Keyless entry IS great...WORKS great! Until it doesn't. Good Luck!
Tile I got one to put on my Jeep key because for some reason that key always seems to grow legs. Well, turns out I loved it so much I bought a couple others, one is in my camera bag and one I move from thing to thing depending on what I want to keep track of. Best unique use I've come up with it so far is I throw one in my checked luggage when I'm flying. On the plane I can confirm that my luggage made it on board (never been an issue but neat trick) and at baggage claims I set it to start chiming, so my black bag is the one that's singing as it come onto the conveyor. I could just take some spray paint to the bag but.... this is more geeky
I've thought about a Tile often but I've heard mixed reviews. I drive droids unless my beloved company forces me not to, so I'm a devoted 'late adopter.' I'm waiting for the technology to mature a little more.
I tried to do this the other day. Didn't realize I didn't have a key but my wife did in her purse. Drop her off at work and as soon as the door shut an alert went off in the car and it did that long beep thing on the outside. We both knew immediately what it was. So you'd have be pretty ignorant for this to happen.
There are of course other competitors, I saw an ad for one on my bookface feed the other day that was cheaper and used a button style battery so it is replaceable. That's a much better idea and one I hope Tile with adopt while rewarding their current customers with steep discounts or something. But other than the price tag and my concern over battery life, I'm happy with Tile.
I've heard of people doing ignorant things before. The Prius usually squeaks and beeps when you get out to swap drivers anyway, and sometimes the protests get lost amidst the cacophony. I've been alive a little too long to laugh at other people for doing "pretty ignorant things." I've done waaaaay too many things on THAT list myself!!!
i just don't trust bending the door out 2". i'll take your word for it, but don't want to find out personally.