Personally I love that one. It "speaks" to me. I still think this... is my favorite "commercial for the general public" commercial.
Although decent, this one's only average as many of the others are better; even so ... it's still really great ! ! ! Then there's this one; .
1/4 Mile drags; Race your Alfa Romeo 4C sport car against ANOTHER Alfa Romeo 4C BUT - it's being towed back sitting ON A TRAILER !! . . . . and an SUV is pulling it Model X pulling a trailered Sport car vs your sport car ... and you come in 3rd ... you're even beat by the trailer well that's gotta take the cake .
That deserved its own thread. If I can still level a complaint, the (not so super anymore) car still starts cheaper than the Model X. Given its capability, however, the extra $25k doesn't seem all that outrageous.