what is the cost of a new 12 V battery from a dealer? Is there a place to buy/order from internwet authentic toyota prius 2006 parts? Thankyou!
around $180. - 200. try camelback toyota. there are several non oem 12 volts that are good options as well.
I'd say log onto your local Toyota dealer's website and look for specials. They go for about $200 at the parts dept.
I replaced our 2008 original OEM, with a "yellow-top" battery couple years back. About $200. Easy to replace. DIY! easy chair
For my 2004 I ordered for $165 including shipping: > Optima DS46B24R Optima DS46B24R 1 165.00 Year = 2004-2009 > battery direct fit > replacement for Prius > 2004 + & Plug-in Prius I put it in May 2013 and it was just checked by shop and they told me it is still strong. That has been better than the OEM part in this hot climate.
The Optima's now are direct fit, small post, correct vent and all, for second/third gen. The 2016 Prius is interesting though: battery's back in the engine bay, looks to have conventional North American sized posts. Seems like this will open up the possibilities for replacement batteries, and they don't have to be AGM? Or vented, for that matter.