all I'm new here. I find when I turn on my cruise control, it will turn on and I can set it to speed. As soon as I break and try to use it again, I then notice that the cruise control light blinks slowly in an orange color. Does this mean the brake switch malfunction or the cruise control is acting up?
If the car has been in an accident before and the spiral cable was replaced, that's usually the problem...The cable
Techstream will tell you if the stalk cruise switch is engaging or not. Don’t go all out and replace the stalk and find out that wasn’t the problem.
I think my car has a replacement wheel, is the spiral cable part of the clock spring? How can you tell with Techstream? Is it an error code for the stalk? Sorry to bump an old thread but it's the closest to my issue that I've found
The cruise control stopped working a long time ago. After I replaced the ABS actuator and hooked up the computer to bleed the brakes and reset all the codes, the cruise control started working again. The cruise control has now stopped working again. Any idea why this would happen?
Use the trouble codes to diagnose; if there are no codes (using a scan tool known able to show them), watch the live data list while working the stalk and button and brake pedal, and see what signal isn't getting through. Ought to be fairly straightforward.