I've been having issues with my Sirius Radio. I have it plugged into the small green aux jack in the console. I thought it was the normal 1/8 jack. However I don't get Stereo. When I push it in the sound only comes out of the left side. If I pull it out just a hair I get sound in all the speaker. Does this sound like a jack problem or cable??? I also get a lot of "noise" which I don't get in the Tundra
If the cable connector has one ring around the jack, it is mono, two is stereo. You may need a ground loop isolator to eliminate the noise. Check out Crutchfield.com or Radio Shack.
I just checked, it has One Green Ring. Not Stereo??? What car manufacture in their right mind would install any type of MONO jack. Everything today is STEREO
No, you're seeing that the plug is mono. Not the jack in the car, which you can't see. You need a stereo 1/8" cable.
Not if it only has tip and sleeve conductors. If there is one insulating ring, it is definitely NOT stereo. What you're hearing in your other cars is probably just a copy of one channel in both speakers.
Yep, sounds like you have a mono cable. Try listening to something that has stereo separation, like some Hendrix or Pink Floyd. =) Just to clarify: Mono cable: Stereo cable: To do stereo, the cable need 3 conductors (and thus 2 insulating rings separating them) whereas a mono cable only needs two conductors.
Well, turns out I DID have stereo cables, went to Radio Shack and got another pair, same dam thing MONO. I spent 30 min pulling the console apart and I found the freaking problem. The wires coming from the other side of the jack were pinched, smash together is a better term. So back to RS found another jack and now I have STEREO. And you guys thought I had the wrong plug, give me a break B)