This morning, there was a white SUV that normally doesn't belong in the stall it was parked at (we have assigned parking at work). I didn't give much thought as I parked as I usually do. Anywho, this particular white SUV scraped the back fender area. It drove me nuts seeing what happen. I tried my best to not let this derail my day, I got home and clay bared the area and than applied polish. I now have series of scratches and paint that came off. I am ticked this a*$h*l3 didn't even have the courtesy to leave some note or the like, and the garage has no surveillance whatsoever, so this problem is basically on my own... Attached a picture of the damage, was hoping someone here can give some insight on ways I can improve the condition of the damage. I certainly don't want to shell out hundreds to an auto-body shop, but something that can hide as much of the damage would be preferable.
Would a simple dab of touchup paint really help? I ask because I've seen folks use touchup paint on some cars with scratches like for example, a car that was keyed, and the touchup always makes it look more obvious. Is there a proper method to make it look less obvious as possible? Also, I assume dealership would be the best, and cheapest source for the paint?
the scratch is there, it's not going to go away. Closeup, everything will be able to be now. But 10 ft away, with touch up paint, you won't even know it's been scratched. Just get a small little bottle at the dealership....or any auto shop, with the same color code
Oh okay, I'll give this a try, at least it'd be something to cover up the damage. Would I also need some other type of clear coat or other layer prior to, or after addressing the touch up?
This is just me, but I'd file a report with the cops. May not do anything, but it's on record. Sh*! like this urks me to no end.....people that open their doors into a car, same thing. Cars are WAY too damn expensive to let the carelessness of others decrease value. The people that do this without paying attention should be the ones to take the hit, period. File a report. Call the SUV driver on it. Push the issue. Again, this is just me.
I was absolutely furious yesterday, the parking garage attendant told me they have no surveillance, and was told unless I have a license plate number of the car, there is no way for them figuring out who and what exact car it was, since they were illegally parked (by using a space of an assigned/reserved stall). I only recall it to be a white SUV, maybe a white Honda CRV, not totally solid on what the car was. I am not sure if it is too late to call a cop now about it since its been over 24 hours since the incident, and I did attempt to clean the mess myself... and if I went the insurance route there is a deductible, so I am not sure if that is a worthwhile pursuit either. It totally sucks, I eventually realized not to let it take over me and just let it pass by (as much of an eyesore it is to look at). What can you do...
You say you don't want to spend hundreds, but how much would you be willing to spend? The damage looks very superficial BUT also pretty visually obvious. I'm kind of afraid there will be no inexperienced DIY option that is going to look too great. If you have experience with paint and clear coat and buffer' might be able to get it too look good. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's just a degree of compromise. I think if it was me? I might go to a couple of reputable body shops and get a few estimates. If you explain that you aren't going through insurance, and that you aren't necessarily looking for an OEM repair, sometimes they will do a cosmetic repair relatively cheap. At least you'd have a better idea about the cost. Otherwise, you probably have nothing to lose trying touch up paint. And, if you are happy with the results? Problem solved. I did some touch up, using the Toyota Dealership paint, and my advice would be, go to a Craft or Art supply store and get a good but very small brush, the brush or pen that comes with the paint is pretty clumsy and makes touch up difficult. Usually on the vehicle with touch up...less is more. And yes, it sucks when people do this. Common courtesy would be nice.
Well, if it was like a $50 job, sure why not. But it definitely wouldn't be, I have seen friends drop hundreds for something slightly larger than mine. I am pretty experienced with a DA and have done plenty of paint corrections, never done any thing like wet sanding, though, with some researching, I'd assume it wouldn't be too hard, as I was in the same position when I was learning how to polish my car with a DA. But I am not sure if it would even foot the bill here, since some paint got scrapped off too. I do like your advice though, I will visit some dealerships and see what they have to say. I may also apply touchup paint (maybe in several coats to some scratches) and than do a compounding and polishing session over the area and see if that helps. Though, back to my original question with touch-up paint, do I need some sort of clear coat to apply over the touch up?
Well the only reason I suggest checking with a few body shops, is that you have nothing to lose. And I had a similar front bumper scrape, that left me with a bad looking scrape area...very similar, and only the choice to touch up OR totally redo the bumper. It would of cost me near $1000 to have the bumper restored to OEM quality and appearance. Since I knew it was only a cosmetic scrape, I asked around. I got a body shop to do a spot touch up and buff and it looks so good, it's not really an issue any more. Nobody but myself even knows it is there. It cost me about $65. They warned me it wouldn't be....a "as new" repair, but it nearly is...and was a lot better than I could do myself. Worst case scenario, you discover nobody will touch it without it costing a mint. In which case....all the other options are still open.
Insurance must be different, south of the 49th. Up here I would: file a claim with ICBC, run the car 'round to our favourite body shop (acreditted by ICBC to independently assess damage), come back a day or two later (in the loaner) to pay the $300 deductible (for hit-and-run, vandalism), drive off in a car that looks like new. No increase in premiums for this sort of thing, either.
That sounds awesome! Unfortunately, auto insurance here in the states is just a whole another monster that is probably on the same level of headache as waiting at a local DMV (or DOL if you leave here in Washington)...