Cruise stalk is a very poor length and position....very easy to break it by bumping it with your knee as you turn the wheel or get in/out of the car. Anyway - mine had snapped a few months ago....a quick gorilla glue job fix it up, but hit it again and it was Snapped beyond repair. $20 stalk on Amazon 30 minutes of my time (could do it in 10 now that I know exactly what to do). - disconnect negative 12V lead - pull airbag from wheel (no need to disconnect it....I hung it from the top of the wheel with some bungees) - remove broken stalk - install new one - pop airbag back into place View attachment 114947
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has broken off their cruise control stalk. A week ago, I broke mine off inside the steering wheel by hitting it with my hand (replaced by the dealer). Felt like a bull in a china closet. Now, I'm being more careful with the new one.
This is very easy to replace, just pop off the airbag and you'll see the stalk. Held together by a couple screws
Thanks for photoes - they did help me I had one wire broken that goes to the on-off -switch. Soldering the wire was a quick task. Airbag did not need any ties, when I rotated the steering wheel upside down Attached two photos on soldering and two photos on how to open the doors where you can release the airbag.
Did you consider replacing it with a custom control of a different shape/size/position that wouldn't have the same issues? If I remember right, it just bridges the same circuit with a few different resistances depending on which function you're selecting. You could replicate that with a few regular pushbuttons and resistors and mount them in a place of your choosing. I once got salvage yard cruise components from a 1984 Ford for a friend to retrofit cruise into her 1965; if I remember right, we used the steering wheel buttons from the '84, removed from the wheel pad, cut into a little veneered wood piece to mount below the dash. -Chap
I have no problem with the stalk it self. Of course it would be better on the driving wheel itself, but is a minor issue. The real issue (from my perspective) is the logic. It's really difficult to switch between adaptive and traditional modes. It would be nice to be able to pass other cars on highway so that you'd just switch from adaptive to traditional mode, possibly add some ticks to speed, pass, return and restore speed and adaptive. In Europe there is no LKA option, so there is a free button on steering wheel. But one os not enough, at least not without including a microcontroller there..