No. Most people are completely unaffected by that level of EMF. However, is it orders of magnitude more powerful than the EMF produced by a car's ventilation fan. (It is possible that the very EMF sensitive will all be Amish by the time my grandchildren are old)
I doubt that the cumulative effect is going to be nothing at all. What I have learned is that there is not a level of exposure resulting in nothing happening. What most exposure levels are based upon is nothing happening quickly and dramatically. This is understandable since modern technology is also needed to keep us alive and money flowing. Unfortunately, the larger public, (including a lot of engineers and scientist who should know better) fall into the trap of mistaking short term statistics predicting long term effects. Even the most powerful drugs are not evaluated for cumulative effects 20+ years out. So what I do is minimize my exposure to EVERYTHING (chemicals, drugs, radiation, whatever) without becoming obsessed with avoiding actions and things necessary for rational living. I average one cell phone call a month for example.
I concur. Makes me think of discussions I've had with a dear friend of mine in the real estate business. She spent a couple of decades driving around while using her cell phone nearly non-stop. As a ham radio operator I have always been concerned about the possible adverse effects of RF energy and repeatedly suggested to her that she should try to minimize this business of holding a radio transmitter up to the side of her head in a metal enclosure. Her response? "What, am I going to get brain cancer?". She now has terminal brain cancer.
the good news is, kids today text instead of talk. so the phone is in their lap instead of next to their head. of course, the texting while driving accidents are through the roof.
That's terrible. I actually meant to say brain cancer (not brain dead.) Why is there not more warnings, studies, reports about the dangers of cell phones? Have their been any recent studies, with definitive proof of causing cancer? I don't have my cell phone hooked up to my Prius. Not necessarily because of possible EMF... but because of lack of use. I rarely use my iPhone for phone calls, and I don't text in the car, so I don't need that connection. (That must sound crazy, as most people live on their phones!) I don't use Bluetooth or have WiFi service in the house. My phone and iPad work off a cheaper cellular connection. (I'm just trying to be frugal; I wasn't aware of all the EMF concerns.) I can't imagine how bad (health wise) it could be in the future, with so many millions of people addicted to their smart phones.
cell phone manufacturers and cell service companies have a lot of money and very powerful lobbyists. they managed to kill a government study showing that talking on the phone while driving was dangerous.
way before, but texting is already illegal in many places. is it an internet thing, or do you have to talk on the phone?
Because getting mice to talk for hours on a cell phone is hard. On a more realistic note, the problem is the time lag of many years between humans being exposed to something (chemical, EMF, X-rays, cigarettes, etc.) and serious cancer showing up. There really is no way around this problem other than to start keeping statistics (where possible) over decades and then looking for trends. Presently, the limits for EMF exposure limits are based on how much biological tissue heating occurs when exposed. This is what sets safety limits and cell phone output power. If and when detectable effects are discovered, then new limits may emerge.
I figured way before, but Pokemon go Takes it to a whole new level. Out here in the great state of CA I have been bumped into on the sidewalk by someone trying to find an elusive one. People also pay uber drivers to hunt them down. Imagine if someone was doing that while driving. Should be all the cannon fodder lobbyists at the cell phone companies need to say that what they are up to isn't that dangerous.
I just don't understand all the rage, and people playing that silly game on their little cell phone... driving all over the city, and looking for what??? Do you win money or something? That would be the only reason for all those nuts to justify the time spent. (Disclaimer: I'm an old guy! ) The above picture is where I spent my morning... a "Pokemon" free zone.
View attachment 115355 I just don't understand all the rage, and people playing that silly game on their little cell phone... driving all over the city, and looking for what??? Do you win money or something? That would be the only reason for all those nuts to justify the time spent. (Disclaimer: I'm an old guy! ) The above picture is where my Prius took me this morning... a "Pokemon" free zone.
View attachment 115355 I just don't understand all the rage, and people playing that silly game on their little cell phone... driving all over the city, and looking for what??? Do you win money or something? That would be the only reason for all those nuts to justify the time spent. (Disclaimer: I'm an old guy! ) The above picture is where my Prius took me this morning... a "Pokemon" free zone.
The weird thing, is last weekend was beautiful where I lived and I took a walk in a local park. SO many people wandering around BEAUTIFUL surroundings, staring at their cell phones, looking for a "Pokemon". I suppose it's harmless, and it does get people out and moving. But I tell people I'm playing "Pokemon No". Which is basically I go where I want, and wait for Pokemon to find me.
The weird thing, is last weekend was beautiful where I lived and I took a walk in a local park. SO many people wandering around BEAUTIFUL surroundings, staring at their cell phones, looking for a "Pokemon". I suppose it's harmless, and it does get people out and moving. But I tell people I'm playing "Pokemon No". Which is basically I go where I want, and wait for Pokemon to find me.
The weird thing, is last weekend was beautiful where I lived and I took a walk in a local park. SO many people wandering around BEAUTIFUL surroundings, staring at their cell phones, looking for a "Pokemon". I suppose it's harmless, and it does get people out and moving. But I tell people I'm playing "Pokemon No". Which is basically I go where I want, and wait for Pokemon to find me.
The weird thing, is last weekend was beautiful where I lived and I took a walk in a local park. SO many people wandering around BEAUTIFUL surroundings, staring at their cell phones, looking for a "Pokemon". I suppose it's harmless, and it does get people out and moving. But I tell people I'm playing "Pokemon No". Which is basically I go where I want, and wait for Pokemon to find me.
The weird thing, is last weekend was beautiful where I lived and I took a walk in a local park. SO many people wandering around BEAUTIFUL surroundings, staring at their cell phones, looking for a "Pokemon". I suppose it's harmless, and it does get people out and moving. But I tell people I'm playing "Pokemon No". Which is basically I go where I want, and wait for Pokemon to find me.