Date Ordered: October 23, 2003 Dealer Ordered From: Berkeley, CA Timeframe given for delivery: Nov, then by Chistmas, now maybe Feb Color: Red, Silver, or Tideland Pearl Option Package: BC (#9) Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: high (not given specifics)
More news on Berkeley wait times and deliverys Just spoke to Berkeley this morning (Jan 16). They got 11 cars in last week and are waiting for another delivery this weekend. My sales rep said the BC package has been the hardest for them to get. Apparently, I was originally #87 on their list and in the teens for the BC package. He's going to call me after their staff meeting to let me know what # I am at present. Current projected wait time for Berkeley is 4.5 months if you order today.
Jan 16: #2 on waitlist for BC Salsa Red #7 on waitlist for BC any color Hoping to get my car in the Jan 19 allocation. Jan 24: Dealer called with a salsa red available in Package #7. It would not have included the nice stereo or the navigation. After waiting this long, and being as high on the list as I am now, I decided to tough it out a bit longer and get the car I really want.
You may all be very disappointed in me, but I gave up. After not getting a promised call from my dealer last week, I just couldn't take another day of my 80 mile commute in my 12-year-old Mustang with no stereo. Brought home a new VW Passat GLS with All Wheel Drive today. Got it for $1550 under MSRP and had a lovely buying experience. I highly recommend for anyone who needs to know invoice prices before making a purchase. It did great for me! The Passat's not getting 40mpg and it doesn't talk to me, but I love it all the same. My Toyota dealer is putting a $500 check for me in the mail today. He said, "It's too bad, you were getting so close". Truth was though, he still had no idea when a car might have come in for me. Best of luck with your Prii! Can't wait to see what's available in 5 or so years when I'm in the market again.
I guess being from the middle of nowhere and on the East Coast has helped me... I ordered a package 9 Tideland in mid-January and got it two weeks ago. The dealer (in St. Albans, WV) only gets 2 a month and has a waiting list on those into the summer, but mine was special ordered and came very quickly.