This is for people who work out of the home. Technically, my work day begins at 8:30 am. To me that means, I get here about 10 minutes before to get coffee/water and then sit down and begin to work at 8:30. I am the only person in my small department to do this. Everyone else gets in the office at 8:30, talks to co-workers, gets coffee/drink and then finally get to their desk around 9 am. Meanwhile, the phones start ringing at 8:30 and guess who is taking the calls? It has been mentioned in staff meetings that the boss expects us to be ready to work at 8:30, but it hasn't been enforced (that I've seen). Curious, when do you actually sit down to work?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Somechic @ May 30 2006, 09:28 AM) [snapback]262682[/snapback]</div> Anywhere between 9 and 10. (I have a good job)
I start at 6:50 am. I lock up at 3 pm. That's 8 hours 10 min. I get a 30 min duty free lunch. I often work during my lunch break. I get no morning or afternoon breaks. Sometimes I am here until 3:30 or 4pm. I often take work home with me and put in another 2-3 hours at night. I'm a teacher.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ May 30 2006, 02:25 PM) [snapback]262858[/snapback]</div> How many months a year? (I'm sorry, I couldn't resist!)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Somechic @ May 30 2006, 04:24 PM) [snapback]262946[/snapback]</div> Isn't it supposed to be "what time do you get off work?"
I start at 7:30am. As soon as I walk through the door, I'm working. I have an hour off for lunch, and am done for the day at 4:30pm.
I arrive to work between 7:50 & 8:15am, skip lunch most days and am out the door shortly after 4pm... unless some idiot demands a miracle and then I stay until 5-ish. My husband usually makes coffee in the mornings so I drink and drive, which allows me to get to work as soon as I walk through the door. I like to get everything off of my desk and out of my hair as fast as I can.
I teach science and geography at the university level. Up at 0500 Leave house at 0630 (cup of green tea enroute) Arrive at work 0715 Begin work 0800 End work 1700 (Tuesdays 2100) I make an effort to rarely take work home. Powerbook (work) and desktop (home) computers are synchronized to facilitate work and minimize carrying things back and forth.
My usual day is 8 to 5, with an hour lunch (which I eat in the Prius). There's a morning meeting at 8am so I have to be there by then (except for today when I had to go in for jury duty).
i like to be in by 9... my life has been way off kilter lately so i'm trying to get back to that. most days i can be out the door by 5:15, depending on whether i'm getting an assay up and running or in a data collection frenzy.
i get up at 8:30am, and stroll in anywhere between 9:30 and 10... then again, since my job is posting within priuschat while wearing a shirt and tie, it's pretty irrelevant...
I get to work before or around 6:30. finish turnover around 7 am, complete patient assessments around 8 to 9. work until 7 pm finish turn over around 7:30 and I am usually out of the parking garage around 8pm. By the way I am a nurse (LPN not RN) Long days I know but I love my job. When I finish premed and then med school I look forward to the even longer work days and nights. Cant :blink: wait.
Up at 4:30 out the door at 5:10 65 miles later, at the office at 6:20 Don't really do much all day... Knock off about 2:40 65 miles in the other direction Home around 4:10 or so.. Dig in the garden, work on various projects around the house until it gets dark out.
Work is a four-letter word. You should all wash your mouths out with soap. Such language! And on a chat board where there might be kids reading. You should never, ever work. Just say No! But if you must work, for god's sake, use a condom!
Lets see...Mondays : up at 0530 ,leave 0615, work 0700-1700 (10 hours) No lunches last 7 years...Drive 1 hour home...(2 hours round trip) other words roughly 12 hr day... above...then Friday night after i get home...go to bed for a quick turnaround and go in at Midnight and work till 0800 Sat morning...sleep till 1500 sat afternoon...then go in 0000 hrs Sunday morning and work till 0800 sun morning...then sleep till 1400 sun afternoon...then get up and then go to bed sun night 2100 to start the week all over overtime, no lunches/dinner breaks and a 10% pay cut thanks to the confused and corrupt FAA...
Up at 520-530, let the dogs out, get ready and out the door by 630....50 minute drive to work and am at my desk usually by 730....i have an hour for lunch but usually eat and work at the same time(depending on what exploded on my desk that day)...i am usually out the door by 500 and after a 50 minute trip, I am home by 600ish. The hubby does a similar trip but in an opposite direction, except he works 5a to 5p and he is out the door by 4a. We are both supervisors with the prison system here in TX but in different divisions. The bad thing is that I work an 8+hr day, but only get paid for 8 hrs...With my current pay schedule, I can only earn overtime if I work on my scheduled days off.
I am usually out the door by 8:00 for an hour commute over only 26 miles. Typically leaving about 5:30 for the trip home. In between I am either at my desk on the computer or checking on any of the projects (construction related). We do get some perks that include events, golf outings and other social outings that require us to attend and drink.......AHHHH.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Somechic @ May 30 2006, 03:24 PM) [snapback]262946[/snapback]</div> Ten. I report Monday of the last week in August. I teach though the third week in June. That's more than a 40 hour work week, BTW. And I supplement school supplies and resources out of my own pocket. I usually spend about $2,000+ a year. Plus I take classes on my own time and pay for them out of my own pocket. My current masters classes are now $1,027 per class. I need three more. I'm not sure I can afford to finish. This would be my second masters. I also attend conferences on my own time and pay for them out of my own pocket. NECC was....$175 I think. CUE is $135. These are not including meals, gas and hotel which I also must pay for out of my own pocket.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 30 2006, 04:54 PM) [snapback]263061[/snapback]</div> That is JUST a shirt and tie right?? Is there a bottomless dres code?? When all my nurses are here my schedule is flexible. But I am way too responsible and give up 7-8 hours to my job every day...except for a little PC time here and there!