Top 10 Longest Lasting Cars Counter intitutively, the HSD hardware take a load on the wear and tear of the ICE. My 2007 is currently at 197,000 miles.
so, do they mean these cars have had no repairs? or does it still count, if i've put $25,000. into my 1989 dodge caravan?
All it means is that the car is registered and has at least 200,000 miles, I believe. So, it's a combination of durability and owner loyalty - an extremely loyal owner can keep a less reliable car on the road for longer, whereas a very reliable car can be the cockroach of the road, never going away even as their owners hate them.
I don't know if this is still the go-to for accurate info, but the TCO reports always seemed to be the simplest and made the most sense. Cars, as fun as they can be, are a waste of money. A poor investment. So, what does it cost for you to OWN and USE your car. Period.
Have to mention once again the CNW Dust to Dust study is refuted Prius easily beats Hummer in life-cycle energy use, “Dust to Dust” report has no basis in fact — ThinkProgress