I have a 2010 Prius with 160k km, need to install new Air Fuel Ratio (AF) sensor, got the original Denso sensor, can somebody please guide me how to access and replace AF sensor ? do I need to remove any thing from under the car to access it ? is it on driver side or passenger ? a full procedure or video would be very helpful. Thanks.
Do you mean the mass air flow sensor, or the oxygen sensor, which is the part most involved in reporting current air/fuel ratio?
is this for the upstream or downstream sensor of the cat? Did you get a code that required you to replace the sensor? Or were there some symptoms leading to replacement? To answer your question the sensors are along the exhaust manifold. You'll have to remove the engine splash guard underneath to access the upstream sensor.
The Air/fuel sensor should be by the exhaust manifold. Its right before the cat. You will have to remove the under body plastic panel to get access to it.
yes I have obd code P2196. I need to replace upstream oxygen sensor (air fuel ratio sensor). Is it on driver side or passenger, anyone has any document or video of replacement procedure.
I found the location and replaced the sensor. To access sensor you have to remove the wiper assembly , sensor is toward the passenger side and easy to access from the top. here is the link to the document. https://techinfo.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/rm/RM1290U/xhtml/RM00000306S00CX.html?sisuffix=ff&locale=en&siid=1470282519710#RM00000306S00CX
In case anyone's scratching their head about the "No 2 Cylinder Head Cover", it's this: BTW, when I click on links in your attachment, they WORK. For example wiper and cowl removal. Is the TechInfo paywall down. I kinda hate to ask this. Not complaining.