I highly recommend reading this forecast of what the world will look like in 10 years time. Bear in mind that many are looking at Toyota's Safety Sense features as Toyota's foundation towards self driving cars. A top Silicon Valley investor predicts what the world will look like in 10 years, when roads are full of self-driving cars | Business Insider
I can't wait for this. That way, when my kids try to take my car keys away from me, I'll be able to have one of these do the driving for me.
First and foremost, the auto manufacturers have to make that technology affordable to all. How many people can afford (or are willing to spend) 50K to 100K on a self-driving vehicle? Not many, I would guess. And will some type of new computerized system need to be installed on the roads and highways? What city or county do you know, that has the extra funds for that? They can't even fix pothole or broken sidewalks in LA!
Even though I own and pilot a humble top of the range 2nd Gen Prius, I have to confess that I use the relatively basic (by today's standards) cruise control built into the vehicle, on a more regular basis now. Especially as I commute through an "Average Speed Camera" zone twice everyday. Believe me when I say I have now gotten used to using the system so much, it has become 2nd nature. The CC ensures I do not break the speed limit across the entire zone, while making my journey a lot more smoother. And a great added bonus? Amazing fuel economy!!! As a side note, I now observe how useless most drivers are at keeping to a set speed in this zone. They're absolutely terrible at synchronised cruising. Speeding up, slowing down perceptibly for no real reason, and jumping lanes illogically. You can usually tell the few who ARE utilising their CC....when they have it. There's a definite Zen like calm to their driving. Sadly, I too have had massive Range Rovers, irate luxury cars or angry trucks come roaring up my tail, lights flashing aggressively in this zone. I'm afraid I do not suffer fools gladly, and while I'm always at great pains to always leave the overtaking lane available for other vehicles that wish to get past, if I am overtaking something else, no matter how slowly (while in this zone), then, I stick to my lane till I'm done. I point blank refuse to break the law, or be intimidated by some big bully behind the wheel who can't stand to see a Prius in front of them. Ignore such fools, and stop looking at them in the rear view mirror. Look where you're going, keep going, till it is safe FOR YOU to let them pass. They're NOT the boss of you or me!! I often wonder what their faces look like, when they finally get their Traffic Speed Contravention FINE drop in through the letter box. I hope they literally crap themselves. You should see them whipping past me in that zone, most of the time, "wheels on fire". Cruise Control is a fantastic tool. I gave a female friend visiting from Spain, a ride in my Prius a few weeks ago. She did marvel at how relatively quiet and smooth it was. No jerking back and forth with gear changes or crude hydraulic system induced decelerations while pulling a two or three Gs. By the way, I've gone to the trouble of finding out the real speeds of my Prius in correlation to actual GPS speed. If I set my CC for 54 mph, I'm actually travelling at 50 mph! CC at 43 mph means I'm really doing 39 mph. As a result of this bit of research, I'm usually that bit faster than most, in an Average Speed Camera (ASC) Zone......but hilariously, I still see many drivers travelling through at Trans Warp velocities, only to brake heavily at each ASC location, before powering away again. Are people REALLY that STOOPID...?!! I can't wait till I finally get my hands on a vehicle with Advanced Cruise Control Drive Assist - it will be a revelation. BUT......like now, I'll always be behind the controls, displaying the same alertness as any self respecting airline pilot flying into a busy air traffic hub. I'm the captain of my ship. The technology is, but an aid. Ultimately, I'm in control. Spot on, Mendel Leisk; I do indeed try to drive as if I'm a self driving vehicle. I literally try to become one with "The Spaceship". iPhone 6s +
I walk a lot, when I can; good for my crappy health. Sold my motorcycle, but have a pedelec cycle. Occasionally take the train / tube on special occasions. But, "The Spaceship" is my wheelchair to the Road Network Galaxy. I'd rather move to Mars, circa 2090. I hear Hellas Planitia's pretty good this time of year. Especially since the terraforming was completed, and advanced artificial force fields ensure the refreshing atmosphere stays put, instead of bleeding off into space. iPhone 6s +
Yup. I've been using regular cruise every day in London, for the same reasons, before I got the Prius. I find many drivers don't know their cars have cruise control, and if they do, then they don't "trust" the car to control their speed automatically. With regard to the difference between the speed on the speedo vs actual road speed, I recall that in the EU new cars sold were allowed speedometers up to 10% optimistic vs actual road speed. Furthermore, in London anyway (not sure about rest of UK/world), speed cameras were generally set to trigger at something like 10% over speed limit + 2mph, or something along those lines. So, if the posted speed limit is 40mph, and you drive past the speed camera at an indicated 45mph, the camera might not be triggered, because the trigger speed would be 46mph actual road speed, and your actual road speed is anywhere between 40.5mph and 45mph. Do your own research though, as that's only my recollection based on earlier research. Most drivers who treat a car as a way to get from A to B would not have the time or inclination to delve into the police regulations of how speed cameras are set up, hence the behaviour we witness of the masses slowing down way too much at the last minute just before going past a speed camera here. BTW, another late night drive today from the centre of London to the suburbs. Quite disappointing, only managed 89.2mpg.
My bet would be that in 25 years steering wheels will be banned. It will be all autonomous cars. The Government is actually quite keen to have autonomous cars, even though they may need to change infrastructure to incorporate it. I think it was a UK University study a few years ago which estimated that our Motorways/Freeways/Highways will carry 30-50% more traffic if they were driven properly. We had FREEWAYS here - but no longer - they're Motorways or sometimes Highways now. I suspect because they no longer flow freely. And in some cases, aren't free either. I've used Cruise Control for over 10 yrs now - and love it. I just can't understand (and get annoyed by) other cars which slow and speed up continually in - near new cars which I KNOW have got Cruise Control - while the majority are driving in a consistent manner.
Well, as the most cars "on" the road in the US are 12 years old on average, 10 years from now, they will still be 12 years old or older, so let's take this seriously in 15-18 years, things change but money isn't free, the reason most cars on the road are 12, people lack money.
Having moved from a Smart to a Prius I would have to say it's small cars in general. Here in KC the truck guys are really bad about the mentality of got to pass a small car just because. Guess it hurts their egos or something when they get passed by a Smart or Prius. I just usually shrug and blow it off knowing I am getting way better gas mileage than they ever will
It's actually kind of funny. I've noticed it too. I've driven almost every kind of car (from muscle cars to a Ford Pinto), and it seems to be particularly noticeable about our choice in car. I don't drive particularly slowly and in some instances have found myself 15 MPH over the speed limit (forgive me hypermilers) only to see someone risking life and limb in a jacked up Jeep Wrangler to overtake me. What can you do?
The interesting thing coming from a big car, is that the rear hatch window is literally the end of the car, and when cars tailgate you it can be a bit unnerving since you can see it up close... and the car does zen me out, not like my turbo sports cars of past