The dealer tells me my batteries in my low tire sensors are bad. The low tire light on the dash won't go out. So I need to replace the TPMS sensors in my '06 type 5 Prius. I know I can pick them online much cheaper than at the dealer. My question is, is there some reprogramming that will need to be done, and if so, what is that procedure? I'm assuming it will be some convoluted sequence with buttons on the dash similar to turning off the backup alarm, etc. Another question is, is there a way to just turn off the light on the dash? I don't really have a problem with just periodically checking my tire pressure manually. Thanks for the help!
See my thread on TPMS management with Techstream. Right now I am living with the TPMS light on. You're going to need a tire place to replace the TPMS inside the tire, and usually they know how to program the codes. But you can do it if you have the Techstream. As far as your second question, there is no *easy* way to turn off the light permanently (except the famous black tape over approach). There may be an advanced way to reprogram the TPMS brains which one member has done to add a fifth tire. We presume the same technique might be used to reduce the number of tires. May also be some wiring hacks on Google if I recall. TPMS Management with Techstream | PriusChat
If it helps you find a solution, America's Tire/Discount Tire replaced mine in May. I think their regular price installed is about $60 each (I received a discount from that price). I know that's a lot cheaper than a dealer.
There is a standalone tool you can buy (search for ATEQ TPMS, for som reason the link doesn't post) which will allow you to read the current TPMS IDs and change the ID of the sensor that was replaced. I use it twice a year when I change from summer to winter tires/wheels so it saves me the cost of having the dealer do it.