Thanks I ordered mine in March and it seemed to take forever to come - but it's worth the wait. You'll love it when it arrives
I saw a black Gen4 before ordering it but it was in a dealer without proper illumination and only fluorescent. It looks dull and not sparkly as I would like a black on a car to be. So I ended up getting dark grey instead. And yes, I don't understand all this fantasy with color names. The same name WW would be perfectly fine. I don't think one gets a color based on its name....
So, I made this thread the best part of 6 months ago when I ordered my Prius. I finally picked up my car this morning! Very happy so far, but lots to learn! I'll get some pictures together soon. One immediate query; does the HUD not display turn directions for the sat nav, and if it can, how do you enable this?
Congrats!!! Why did it take so long? Press the HUD button more than once as it flips through different display modes. The button is at the left hand side of the steering wheel. In the UK possibly mirrored on the right hand side. That's also where you find the Auto High-Beam (which I tested and it works really well! and programmed to be conservative which is really nice!)
Thank you. It has taken so long mostly because of the delivery time, but I could have picked up the car last week had I not been away in West Africa on behalf of a number of charitable projects which I coordinate. The button you imply cycles through 3 different modes but none have directions. Is this a UK specific problem?
As far as I'm aware there is no Nav in the HUD on the Gen 4. This feature was last seen in the early Gen3 models in the UK, but was removed after the mid cycle refresh and the change to the new Touch & Go systems (when Park Assist mysteriously disappeared at the same time) I was told it was due to the head unit not being compatible with the HUD (why I have no idea) A missed opportunity on the Gen 4 if you ask me.
Still 6 months?! I don't get it. You were not in West Africa for 3 months, weren't you? 6 months is an awful long time and many in the UK have received their Gen4 in 3 months at most (me included in Germany). As for the navi in the HUD, it seems the directions are not repeated there anymore...weird. I wonder if that happens only when you drive and when you stand still nothing is shown. I mean, like the Road Sign Alert feature. You enable the right HUD screen and it seems that nothing is going to show. You drive, and they pop up...!
No, you're right 6 months was an exaggeration, it was actually less than 5 months. I hope you can forgive this somewhat when I've been waiting a good old while! In the UK they obviously expected to sell two specs (Business Edition and Business Edition Plus) more than any other. So long as you wanted these specs and a reasonably standard colour (black, white, grey) these were available pretty much when you ordered. Maybe a month or two if you were unlucky or didn't shop around. But, 't you wanted something different that meant a long wait. I wanted the Excel spec but I also wanted the grey interior, this was very much a 'wait for it to be built' kind of requirement. I tried driving to see if it made any difference to the HUD. No luck. I give up on that feature.
I went for the Grey Business Edition Plus a couple of weeks ago and got a delivery date of the 13th October
Sorry about the long wait, perhaps availability is lower in the North East. However, nice choice of colour. I've seen a few of the decuma greys about and my test drive was in one, and it looks good. I might have actually chosen it myself (I went for the Black) but my last car, a Gen II Prius, was in the decuma grey so I wanted a change. It is a risky game Toyota are playing by having so little availability. I specifically wanted a Prius, so I was prepared to put up with the wait, but if I was 50/50 between say a Prius and a Focus or a Golf, I'd just go and buy the other car.
My other half choose the colour, I let her as I choose the colour of our last car. I currently have a Yaris Hybrid and specifically went for a Prius as we have just introduced a salary sacrifice scheme at work for cars and the Prius ends up costing me the same as what the Yaris costs a month to run, so to be honest it's worth the wait.
You'll enjoy the grey one. It doesn't seem to get dirty (or at least appear dirty in normal use). Coming from a big automatic vehicle, which used to generate immense amounts of brake dust, I'm so surprised to see minimal brake dust on the wheels of my Prius, and I spend a lot of time in stop start traffic.
Get used to it . (Well most Toyota brakepads generate little dust anyway, compared to some European manufacturers) but in addition, if you brake normally, the pads aren't used until the last 8km/h before coming to a stop. Our 2005 Prius at 245,000km still had the original brake pads and it was mostly city driving with maybe 30% of that total 245,000km on the highway (mostly driving to the US).
On my car, for the NAV, only the next upcoming turn shows up on the HUD. It seems to be only a guide as to what side of the road the turn will be on. That's about it.
Better than mine! My HUD cycles between the following: Off Speed Speed and hybrid system indicator I'd love it to give an indication of the next nav guidance!