I know I have seen quite a few of you in the last year (those in CA and other states etc who have come for their cars) and I am now swearing by the virtue of Atkins diet -- I have (since December) lost 70 lbs and have a few more lbs to go but I feel wonderful, happy, and healthier than I have in years!! Evan, and other MDs -- I know it's good to stay off the fat stuff and I have -- I am not one of the pound-of-bacon eaters... never have been! My downfall was inertia and carbs. Anyway, wanted to mention it works!! And, with real food (not packaged crap)... Dianne
Yikes, Looking too good for words. Sounds like you are addressing that inertia issue too. :clap: :clap: :clap:
atkins turned out not to be for me, i don't like meat enough. but i'm doing great on weightwatchers online!
I tried so hard to resist this thread. I agree that you look great, Dianne. Congratulations! But, and I am so sorry that I couldn't resist putting my 2 cents in, I have to say that I am not a fan of Atkins or any other low-carb diet. I lost 50 lbs 3 years ago and have kept it off, every single pound. And I eat anything I want. There are no restricted foods. All I do is keep track of the number of calories I eat vs. the number of calories I burn in exercise, ( I use an inexpensive computer program, there are so many of them available). I do try to limit saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol and make sure that I am getting all of my vitamins and minerals. Overall, logging my food takes me 10-15 a day. My sister and her husband recently adopted this approach and have lost 33 and 30 lbs respectively. The main thing I stressed to them when they were getting started was to try to eat foods that are big on volume and vitamins and low on calories and fat. This = alot of veggies and whole grains, the dreaded carbs. Now, each and every one of my friends who has lost weight on a low carb diet has gained all the weight back or is in the process of doing so. I think it's unnatural and impossible to go the rest of your life without eating certain foods. And if you never learn how many calories you burn or how many you're eating, eventually the carbs will creep back into your life. Sorry again for the opposing view (please don't kick me off PC). I hope that the Atkins way continues to work for you all. But if you get sick of it, I thought I'd offer another way that works.
Great Aaron! Aaron, that's great! Hey whatever works as long as it's not speed-med related. Got to keep the heart healthy!
Cool, a newly-minted righteous Prius babe! But shouldn't this thread be in "Appearance Modifications"? :_>
Calories in vs. calories out is the key any and al diets, and Atkins' does limit them. Just very sneaky about it. Those heavy foods limit gut transit of the food so a person feels fuller longer --> less likely to snack. 240 more in than out on a daily basis = 10 lb weight gain over one year. For maintenence eat healthy, match the calories going in versus getting burned and get routine exerecise. Recommendations about healthy diets include Walter Willet (Harvard Medical School) "Eat Drink and be Healthy" or his revised food pyramid with explaination in the Jan '03 issue of Scientific American. Or alternatively, phase 3 of the South Beach diet is a good healthy balanced diet. The primary advantage of the latter is detailed explainations.
Re: Great Aaron! the weightwatchers online works for me because i'm near a computer most of the time and can just put in exactly what i eat. actually for exercise, the real heart issue, i am starting to use the sony playstation version of Dance Dance Revolution, the arcade game. improve my already formidable dancing skills and have a little fun!
I read recently that the original Atkins diet used the low-carb high-fat system only for the first couple of weeks, to jump-start the weight loss, and then shifted to a conventional balanced calories-in/calories-out diet for the long-term sustainability. But whatever you do, Dianne, I wish you the best of luck. -- (And if that's you in your avatar, will you marry me and move with me to Fargo?)
Gee Manny, comparing your Avatar and Dianne's, it looks more like you lost 40 years and way more than 40 pounds! Of course some prince kissed a flying squirrel and she turned into a lovely lady ;-)
wtg girl!! i am proud of you. also the healthier you are, the longer we can enjoy your company. also, you will find that losing weight makes exercising a much more enjoyable pastime. i forced myself to exercise at first (my brother dropped dead from a heart attack at age 43, so i made a promise to my family to get in shape) but as i lost weight, the exercise has gone from a chore to recreational status. you can consider yourself lucky that you have such great weather so year round outdoor activities are available to you. as for me, i ride a bike on average about 50-70 miles a week in summer (this is riding 30 min a day is all) and about 10-20 miles a week in the winter ( i DO NOT DO RAIN!!) here in the pac northwest.