Dave, It looks like some audio beeper/chime device for seatbelt reminder, or reverse sensor, or similar. Someone with the same model, with a wiring diagram could confirm. If you have power on, and can play with the options, you may be able to get a beep or sound from it. stt
Bisco's been saying "$15./day" a lot lately. The $15 option actually gives you two full days, bit more if you're clever around weekends. $75 gets you a month. The pricing is here. With the online wiring diagram manual, they've done some pretty cool stuff compared to a dead-tree version. You can hover the mouse over things for additional details, click individual wires or connectors and trace them around, and so on. Once you get the hang of how the component physical location pages work, you'll be able to select that one and find out what it is; you can use the wire colors and connector shape to confirm you've got the right one. I wish I had a guess, but I've let my techinfo days run out, probably won't feed the meter again until I've got enough new questions. -Chap