Congrats Sounds like some Depends might be in order when you go to pick it up though. Alcatara is apparently very good stuff but why take chances. :jester:
Well Manny, what a great ending ! This played out just like a Frank Capra movie. We have our protagonist, Manny dreaming and hoping for his very own Tabasco... The evil villain, Vandergriff... our heroine, The Empress Dianne who saves the day. Plus a cast of 2000+ PriusChatters. Let's see, I think I see Tom Hanks in the role of The Big Bald Cuban. Give him enough time to study and he'll have you right down to the toenails! Congratulations, Gene
I'm not certain Tom Hanks should play Manny. I'm thinking perhaps Antonio Banderas might be a good choice.
does this mean my car is safe for now? actually you probably wouldn't want it anyway with the broken touch screen...
Oh Manny! It's a pleasure to bring a smile to your face and a resolution to the sad frustration you were faced with. I'm glad I could help. Just enjoy it when it gets there!! And, take your patient and probably very sweet wife to the best dinner out that she'd enjoy! Maybe a quiet weekend away somewhere special... God Bless and have a fantastic weekend! Di
well, we may not know if mrs. manny is sweet, but we sure know she puts up with a lot of stuff... which goes for mrs aarons12 too, by the way
I think there's probably lots of spouse/partners/friends that wish the Prius was never invented :mrgreen:
This is a quote I sometimes ponder at times like this. In regards to: and " Ah yes, the gifts of <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'>Celibacy</a>" Peace, Fr. Bill
Mine was certainly one. It was about a year ago last week that I ordered my '04 as a Pioneer buyer. From shortly before that time until last October (and then a few weeks after that) - my poor wife hardly had a "Mr. Spinnr" until then. Part of her was glad the car finally came, but the other part wanted to burn it to the ground the moment it arrived! :-(
oh Rick... She can't feel too badly... Beth got the old Prius.. your 2002 in blue moon! I bet she is pretty happy 'bout that! It balances!!
Re: oh Rick... Uh, Rick buys a new car and his WIFE gets the old one? That would have worked out a bit differently around my house. :lol:
LOL! Yah, well... <-- in the club. I also have a brand new convertible and guess what's at work with me? The 2002 Camry SE! :: pouting :: Oh well, the peace at home is important! Hee hee! Ya gotta love 'em...
Re: LOL! Yah, well... [Broken External Image]: :iagree
Works Just the opposite in my house. Unless there is a reason that my wife needs the old car, she always gets our (her) new Prius to drive. Will be "solving" that soon (?next March?) with a second Prius but I have been informed that I will get our current pkg #3 black and she will take the newer pkg #7 white. :lol: Worked the same way in my parents house. Not sure about my in-laws.