Is anyone else terribly disappointed that they took out the large console that connected from the radio all the way to the arm rest??? I can't buy a new Prius now !!!
When Toyota first introduced The Gen 3...I think the "Flying Buttress" console design was one of the most polarizing elements. I didn't like it when I first saw it. I didn't think I'd like it when I bought my Gen 3. But it really has grown on me. I like the "cock-pit" feel it creates, and I like the somewhat hidden space it creates underneath it. It's different, and I like different. That being said, it's absence, would not be an issue that would keep me from considering a Gen 4.
Yes. A few other things I don't like about the new gen 4: Center console opens sideways. My passenger/wife thought it was a pita to reach over. Back seat head room is reduced. When I sit in back my eyes are in line with the roof, above the door opening. Reduced fuel tank: I drive 500 miles per week in hilly areas at 65+mph, so I would like extra range. No solar package like my gen 3 (package 4 with technology package) Not sold on the new prius... Maybe the prime package will win me over... SM-G900V ?
Pre-Prius, I didn't realize it was possible for sitting in such a large car to provoke feelings of claustophobia---thanks to the "flying butress" and intrusive console box clogging up the interior.
When I first saw it, I was like, "wow, this is so cool!" Then I test drove my car and realized it's the stupidest thing ever. It intrudes on my knee resting space. The space underneath can be so much more versatile if it didn't have an annoying roof over it. I'm glad it's gone. I wished they had gotten rid of it in 2012 for the mid model makeover. I much prefer the look of the v interior which came out the same year.
I find the space underneath it a good place to keep CD's. I think it looks cool, believe I would miss it if I didn't have it. But I'm old and set in my ways.
As soon as I bought my used 2010 I removed the buttress. After 2 weeks of uncomfortable driving with various steering wheel and seat positions, I just won't put up with the discomfort. NOW I just have to finish the project and make it look presentable. Posted are pictures of the current state of things. (I'm tall with long arms so reaching the shifter in its temporary location is not an issue.)