Good point. I stand corrected! There would have to be some kind of manual override in that case. (I was just selfishly thinking of my big foot always hitting that parking brake pedal.)
A manual override to electric parking brake. Why not just skip the electric parking brake all together and go straight to manual. Manual on manual off. Back in the 80's and 90's didn't GM and Ford had vacuum assisted parking brake release where when you shift out of park automatically releases the parking brake? What happened to that? If they want to make electric parking brake they better make it smart, auto apply when shift to park and auto release when shift out of park with manual override. Of course that means more control modules, motors, sensors added to already heavy car not to mention a manual override system which adds even more weight. Why can't they leave what's working alone and work on what needs to improve.
I have a laundry list of things I like about the Gen4. My one peeve is the pathetic sun visor when on the side.
"Toyota is listening" - reminded me of Voyager 1 which was sent off into outer space with a record and record player - I presume now "Lost In Space". Hope not with TOYOTA. I don't know about the electric Park Brake - I've only used one, and thought it was very counter-intuitive. Give me a pull up one between the seats any day - like the one I learned to do hand-brake slides with.
Why is the new Prius not selling well? It's because it decided to look like every other car (sporty) instead of cute egg shaped / environmentally friendly look. Spec wise, the car is great. Every review says it's better than the previous generation in every way.
No different if you were a RWD or 4WD/AWD car. A FWD is pretty much the only car that can get away without using a dolly. All others either require a dolly or the use of a flatbed truck.
We're not talking about other cars. We're talking about the Prius. If the Prius has electric parking brake and it's set and needs a tow, you're telling me it's OK to tow it without a dolly? If it was your car, would you let it someone tow it without dollies knowing the parking brake is set without any way to releasing it? Why go through all that trouble just to have electric parking brake? I know the chance of this happening is slim to none but somehow somewhere someone will manage to let it happen. I think if Toyota wants to do electric parking brake, they need to do it right from the beginning and not half a$$ it like the 4 seat Prime. Driver selectable auto apply or manual apply In auto apply setting, it automatically sets when shift to park, automatically releases when shift out of park. In manual apply setting, the driver can apply and release with a push of a button Allow driver to set the firmness of parking brake. A backup mechanical apply and release lever somewhere inside the cabin. Those would be the minimum requirements. If they add more features such as manual apply and auto release like the GMs and Fords in the 80's and 90's. Or, instant on so people can still do hand brake turns electronically, great.
Maybe so, but Nissan went the other way on the Leaf. '11 and '12 had an electric parking brake. On the '13+ it went to a mechanical foot pedal on the left, which ended up freeing up a bit of space on the right side. People found the storage area/indentation where the large e-brake switch was could fit certain Chinese food containers.
This post reminded me of something else that a coupe would likely solve, though I wouldn't want to give up 4 doors. Does anyone else have a problem with the short arm rest of the driver's door? Perhaps it's my seating position, seat almost all the way down, but my elbow is behind the arm rest. J
It is selling very well in Japan No. 1. In the USA there are so many vehicles to chose from. I believe Toyota is holding at ~75% of all US hybrid sales, in other words, hybrids sales are impacted by low gaso cost here. Gov incentives for plug-ins gives impetus to move over to plug-ins for some of the former Prius owners.
Would like to see a fully adjustable passenger seat with lumbar. It does not have to be electric. Also the drivers lumbar needs to adjust out more by at least 3/8 to 1/2 an inch. Auto stop for pedestrians backing up as well as other objects. Sun visors need an internal pull out extension Need to add Corvette/Mustang safety yellow and safety orange. Dead cow skin option for USA Parking Brake is fine. Most tow trucks are flat beds due to liability. Do not make it a Simpson Mobile like Homer designed for his brother. The Japanese have more common sense than us. Under floor space in the Touring Four needs something. Would like at least a European spare. Sometimes you have to build what you need and not what you want/ I want a big Sedan Deville Prius is in pretty good shape / just minor stuff/ I don't like not having a spare but will get over it.
I'd like to see package changes: ATP should include blind spot monitoring and a Homelink Mirror. ATP should be a separate thing from a sunroof, rather than including a sunroof. I'd like to be able to get power seats without getting that nasty fake leather they sell on the 4. Above that, the main reason I don't own one is the lack of interior storage. The double glove boxes, the storage area below the stereo, the large center console and especially the underfloor storage in the cargo are were MAJOR drivers of my purchase decision for my 2004. The lack of them are the major reason I haven't bought a G4.