Hello. Looking for some help. Purchase a 2006 Prius with only one key FOB that is physically broken. It still starts the car, but won't unlock doors. Buttons missing. Changed cr2032 battery - No luck. 12v Battery is good. I purchased replacement virgin FOBs but can't program them with the old non-working FOB for remote entry. What are my options? Thank you in advance.
Your option would be to reseed the car, buy a couple used fobs to program. Many prius cars are put back together with many parts, you never know what you're getting anymore
You can use those fobs too, but you still have to reseed since you can't make the original fob work correctly. If the original fob was working all the way, you could do the chicken dance. But in your situation, you are going to have to reseed. Contact a locksmith. A good one can do it for you a lot cheaper than what the dealers will charge. Shop around and get the best deal. In the end you want two (2) working key fobs and two (2) manual keys. Any thing less than that and you are asking for trouble sooner or later. Best of luck to you.
It also might be possible for somebody to repair the old fob enough to use it to program the new fob(s).
Thank you. I was able to find a locksmith in Stoughton WI who can reseed, program and cut 2 keys for $100 total (I'm supplying the virgin fobs).
To me that sounds like a very good deal. I am sure others will have opinions of their own. Best of luck to you. IMHO, I think you are on the right track.