When you try to lift the rear wiper, it has some sort of stop mechanism that only allows you to lift the blade about an inch off the rear window. I am sure that there is some simple trick to release it, but I can't find anything in the manual. So, what's the trick?
Yup, there's a plastic stub which forms part of the trim/fairing at the base of the wiper. The fairing is pretty simple to unclip, and a couple of careful snips with a pair of dikes (diagonal pliers) will enable the wiper-arm to be lifted out of the way to facilitate cleaning/snow/ice-removal! - hope this helps - Wil
There is a sliding keeper. Just push the end of the wiper assy away from the blade. No need to clip or remove anything like previous Generations.
I use SumatraPDF (which is similar to Foxit), and did a search, but still missed it. It's and old-age thing!
If you are on a Mac, use Preview for PDF reading (complete with search). If you own several Apple devices, add the Toyota Manuals to iBooks (make them a collection). On Macs, the PDF reader for iBooks is Preview--on phones and tablets, the reader is internal to iBooks, complete with search. When using Preview, there are a few things to do in the View menu to simplify navigation: 1) If the Sidebar is not showing, click 'Show Sidebar' 2) Of the things to show in the sidebar, click 'Table of Contents'. Note that all page number references in the manuals are links to the actual pages. This can be quite useful in the pictorial index section, among other places.
You know what would be a revolutionary idea... if Toyota built into the car electronics app... a PDF of the actual Owners Manual for your car! How handy would that be? Lookup and read info our nav screen!! Or at least the ability to have the manual on a thumb drive... and plug it in to view on the screen! What a novel idea!
The problem is if you have an issue with the 12V battery or if the screen itself is not functioning. It's best to have it on a separate unit (like your phone). I keep a PDF copy of the owner's manual on my phone just in case.
Am I the only weird guy that keeps all the owner's manual books in the trunk? They've come in handy several times; especially the Nav instruction book.
No, I keep them in the trunk too. But never once used them in the 6 years that I owned my previous Prius - I always used the PDF.