Any have problems with blinking LED map lights and Cabin light? Only the passgener map side blinks hahaha... I hear about resistors or what not but these are for exterior lights like turn signals. Anyone have this problem and does anyone have a fix? Thank you in advance.
You have a bad ground connection somewhere in the loop, I thought the overhead was the easiest to not get a good connection, but any of the bulbs might be problematic, also, might be one bad bulb, 10$ for 8, get another set and try again, oem is viable, some knock off might take tries...
If you put in two of the same bulb try swapping them. If the flashing stays with the same bulb then it is probably bad.
Thank you for all the answer, Yea it was the bulb. siwtched it with another one of the same, does not blink. Sucks that I have two of them that are faulty.