I'm having trouble finding the fuse block under the steering wheel of my 2016. I've looked at the owner's manual, but what I'm seeing doesn't look much like that. There seems to be some sort of latch between the grey plastic cover and the lower black plastic cover, but it's not clear to me that's how you get to it. Could anyone tell me how to access it?
I found it. Goodness gracious...not really well located at all. And it's a tiny little thing. Pretty much impossible to actually diagnose a problem. Wanted to add a 12V line to the center of the dash under the windshield, but it looks like not much fun. Hmm.
Not only that, in Gen 4 I think you'll find they ran out of room for fuses on the bottom of it, and have a few sticking out the sides. For planning out how/where to tap in new circuits, much more pleasant to sit in a comfy chair and browse the wiring diagram at techinfo.toyota.com than to stand on your head under the dash. Still may have to do a bit of headstanding, but only after you've already planned what you'll do. There may be a junction connector on a circuit you could use, near where you want to use it. -Chap
Thanks for the info. Now I'm kinda thinking that this car may be a good test bed for a power distribution and control system we make for motorcycles and boats. Maybe soon for Prii. Will report back.
That's been my approach in Gen 1 and later in Gen 3 (both of which have the aux battery conveniently inside the car). Some predesigned solution might be especially welcome for Gen 4, if it includes a good solution for penetrating the firewall.... -Chap
Going to give this a try. Will require minimal (if any) firewall piercing. looks like I can't include a link. The product is the Neutrino Black Box by Arboreal Systems.
Could you post a picture? I tried to find it to install a dash cam wired directly to the fuse box, but I couldn't find it.
To find the fuse box run your hand just to the right of the grey plastic side cover just as it starts heading up from the floor. It's about an inch wide and maybe 4 inches tall. You will feel the smooth black cover.