I do apologize if this is a tired topic, but I couldn't find it via search here. Also looking at the owners manual and it states that if you have the key on you the unlock will work. Well, I can't unlock the hatch door on my Prius 2 with my hands unless the door(s) are first unlocked. This seems odd, yes?
The standard keyless opens only the driver's door. You need to pay extra as an option to be able to open the car with the FOB inside your pocket, on the passenger's side and the hatch. It seems that the 2 doesn't come with that option.
*sigh* So silly. What's the point of that? lol....My 2009 Camry had the latch unlock on the fob itself. Oh, Toyota
Well, you can open the doors with the switch on the fob while in front of the hatch and then open it. Doesn't the fob in USA have the switch to open directly the hatch as well?
Yes, that's odd. Is that because you have the Prius Two model? I don't see why yours would be any different than all the other models.
Sad to say, this triggered my paranoia nerve: A former California employee working in the NSA sent this intercepted memo to WikiLeaks: (CONFIDENTIAL) April 1, 2015 Subject: How to get rid of Problem Prius Customers (PPCs) From: Iam Ijiot, Senior Marketing Manager USA auto magazines got the memo about the 0-60 time and we have great faith in the procurement department designed, sun visor. So we will not need a pea under the driver seat as the 'de Sade' dimensions are working. Driving off the largest group of PPCs by neutering the Gen-3 Prius worked September 2013. Still there remains a core of PPCs who continue to reverse engineer advanced Prius features. Extensive analysis of PPCs postings, letters, and communications have given us a plan for the next generation Prius: No faster than 10 seconds, 0-60 mph acceleration Purchasing designed sun visor Withhold advanced Prius technology from PPC market: no 1.5kW AC inverter no rear-wheel drive assist no tow option Withhold advanced safety features from highest MPG model Delay the Plug-In Prius Use non-Prius sheet metal for the Plug-In Prius Multiple simulations of the crash-dummy, IQ simulator shows these will finally alienate the last PPCs. They will no longer have an interest in forming after market companies expanding Prius capabilities because of the threat that we will release our already engineered versions. Well that would explain it. Bob Wilson
Two models only come with a driver's door SKS. Toyota's been doing this since Gen 3. Technically it is an upgrade since the Gen 2 didn't have SKS at all on the base model and it was simply a remote keyless entry system. In Toyota's eyes, they're offering basic SKS on the base model and 3-dr SKS on higher models so it's a "step up"
If it's the same as the third generation, you can set the SKS system to unlock all doors and the hatch, not just the driver's door, when you touch the driver's door handle. Instructions to do that are in the manual.
Did I read somewhere that you can change between 1 door and 3 door SKS by pressing and holding two of the buttons down on the fob ?
No, it changes whether touching the driver's door handle unlocks the driver's door only, or all doors/hatch. So you would still need to touch the driver's door handle, or press the unlock button on the fob twice to be able to open the hatch.
Correct. Just a tiny bit of a PITA when you have your hands full and need to trudge over to the drivers door to unlock the hatch. Two maneuvers that could both cause me to drop my precious 12-pack
If I am carrying my fob, I can open the hatch just by touching the button on hatch. But opening the hatch like this does not unlock the car doors. My fob unlocks all the doors, from either driver or front passenger door.
The only thing we can choose here is the color. Everything else is fixed/standard. So I guess we are lucky in some respects.