The weather app on my new 2016 Prius 4 Touring with PCP is going in the trash. I almost never used navigation or Entune on my 2013 Prius 3. The interface was awkward, it rarely worked, and it was just easier to use my iPhone. I was pleasantly surprised by my new car. Everything works better (except one time when Navigation took me the wrong place). I don't like that you have to manually input your phone's address book into Navigation, but the 2013 one didn't do it correctly so it was useless anyway. The weather app showed up on my home screen by default. I was troubled that it never showed the right "current" city, but my dealer and Hunter at Toyota HQ said they would help me fix it. I got a call today from Paul at Toyota HQ. He said Weather works off the nearest HD radio tower, so it's close but not exact. I live in San Diego, population 1.3 million and the 8th largest US city. My weather app either says National City or Coronado, the latter being across the bay from me. On Saturday Weather said Coronado 71 degrees when my car said external temperature 81 and I was passing the San Diego Zoo. Does that mean in NY City it reads "Yonkers," or in LA does it say "Santa Barbara," or Chicago "Peoria"? As I said, useless.
My guess is that the weather information is pulled from the National Weather Service data. Is it possible the Zoo is located about the same distance from Coronado as your city's airport? Often time the weather report we associate with a city name is taken from the airport. All three places you mention are within a 5 or 10 mile circle, right? Keep in mind that the weather defaults to the nearest location (however that is determined) on the home screen but you can pull up weather reports for other cities within the App. In the situation you described it might have been interesting to pull up weather for the NWS station named San Diego (and later determine if it was indeed from the airport) and see what the temperature is listed as. In the Boston area, the weather label changes to a different town name in the metropolitan area relatively frequently -- I am guessing every 5 or 10 miles -- as I drive around on one of the major highways that circles the city.
Just to be clear, the reason these place names are selected is not at random but rather because that is where the weather information is collected. At least that is my theory. Here is a NOAA link you might find interesting. I'll bet it matches up with what you see on your Entune unit. National Weather Service
of the apps weather is probably my most used. This time of year I find myself pulling up the weather map before my commute to and from work, looking for hail along the route. My only complaint is that I wish the map was animated.
I looked at my weather app today for the first time. 6 Months after purchase. I see that the app allows you to look at "other" local cities to view the weather there. Then, after you have reviewed the weather in that locale - it appears on the menu for "previous" cities. Seems simple to check for the weather in San Diego and then use that previous search option to see the weather there anytime you are curious.
Yes I could select San Diego EVERY SINGLE TIME I needed to check the weather. The default when you bring it up is "current weather" for the location the car decides you're at. That is what shows up on your home screen if you install that widget there. The weather location has absolutely, totally, completely nothing to do with weather stations. Per Toyota techs, the car gets its data from the strongest HD radio tower. Per Toyota techs, these HD radio towers are not the ones for HD radio stations you listen to. They are dedicated HD radio DATA stations. Whatever. More than I wanted to know. It irks me because geographically and in population, San Diego is huge, and the other towns are minuscule. As I said, its as if you're driving down 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan, and your current weather says "Yonkers."
I don't ever use Entune to check the weather. It's just that in my new car (2016 Prius 4 Touring) the home screen is set up by default to display weather, phone, and navigation. So whenever I would drive it would be right in my face. I substituted audio for weather on the home screen, which is now banished.
I live in San Diego, it's either beautiful, or not so beautiful but still pretty damn enjoyable...all the time.
I already know the weather: Beautiful!! And I'm driving the best Hybrid in the world, and getting 63 MPG! I'm smiling every day! McDonald's has buy one Frappe' or Iced Coffee, and get one free! "You're gonna need a bigger boat," There's no crying in baseball! It is what it is, bro! Believe in something bigger!
Posted some answers in the other thread. But etune affects this so be sure to load the app and update the software near a wifi point (my garage worked for me). Set data to HD+etune. Also there is a setting for cities in the sub menus. Some of this stuff is deep in the salt mines so dig. Check you software version after updating and post the 1000000 digit version here.
The setting for cities that I found only works for the current session. Next time you check "current weather" it will default to wherever the car thinks you are. I didn't find a place to "set data." Entune also says no updates available.
Yep, had to sit in the car awhile before it all to synchronized up. But when all the apps appear from etune on your Prius apps display then you can set data. Not sure how the etune update works as mine is also greyed out until it feels like an update. BTW site has been down two mornings in a row.