Good or bad idea and why? I love my '15 Persona, but the new model is attracting my attention each time I see one.
If you love your car, then keep it. As for the Eco, I'm quite fond of it. Over 2000 miles so far with a lifetime mpg of 68.7 and rising. About half of those miles were highway. Half the highway miles were interstate. A/C running 90% of the time. As for the Two Eco's lack of features, the only one that nags me is no spare tire (which I plan to address). Heck, manual windows/locks would be my preference but was not an option. Fewer bells and whistles means less to go wrong down the road (he rationalizes). That being said, my "final" car will likely be self driving if I live long enough. Solves the "Poppy should not be driving" whispers.
The Eco has the best mpg of the lineup (and plenty high-tech enough for me). As for what I drove prior, let's just say I like to run the wheels off my cars.
of course, there is an equation that tells the tale of saving money or not, at every gas price point.
So realistically the Two Eco could cost me more gas than my Persona in the long run. This is according to an article about what mpg really means.
So the Two Eco really wouldn't save me a lot more.m over time. In fact it will cost me over time vs my Persona. Miles-Per-Gallon Is Just Stupid. No, Really, It Is.
stupid article by stupid people. and i know quite a few here agree with them. but the equation only works if you're comparing two vehicle changes like they are. pointless imo. if you're moving from 33 to 50 mpg, you're saving gas. but that doesn't mean you're saving money.
I average 53 summer, 48 winter here in WI. Two Eco would give me more, but not that much. Again, I'm just afraid of someone backing into those rear lights all the time. $$$
a purchase like yours is not about money, it's a love affair. i wouldn't worry about the tail lights, how often do we hear about replacing them. there will be plenty in the salvage yard if necessary.