It was 95 here the last few days. The A/C still had four lines on the fan display even after driving for 1/2 hour. Recirculated air was used, driver priority. Seems to me the second generation would have been down to 2 bars on the fan speed. I had the temp set for 72. Does this mean that it never really got to 72?
You definitely have something wrong with your A/C.I noted in a separate chat that under very circumstances (96 outside, 75 inside) it was very quick to cool the car down.
The eco button is on the dash with the other A/C controls, but there's no LED indicator light on the button. You have to look for the word "ECO" near the fan speed display to see if it's enabled (or use the MID screens).
I to thought it was a bit wimpier than the air in my gen2. Mine's been on the ECO setting. Which I think just shuts down the passenger vents. From time to time I feel it shut the compressor off (air is not as cold), I assume battery level or load issue. But it's not very long. That said it has gotten the car cold enough, quick enough that I haven't messed with it. Mines been set at 65 for the last 2 months.
I always put the "vent selector" on face/floor. I want to get some cool air back there to the hybrid battery. Hopefully it helps. I'm a Prius rookie, so I don't really know. And yes, I wish the AC got colder. I have mine set at 62, but on hot days I barely feel it.
You should become an iceberg at that setting! I have mine set at 75 (when it is 95 outside) and I get a good blast of cool air. Is your A/C set to ECO mode?
You need to cycle through the settings when you turn the AC on by pressing the "ON" button again, Eco-Normal-Fast IIRC.
Yep. Did that. But it's still wimpy. Now I just wear a wet t-shirt when I drive! (Thankfully, I don't have "man-boobs." )
Interesting thread. I live in Florida and lately the "in the shade temps" have been anywhere from 95-100. I feel like the A/C is pretty good on my Four, never fails to cool the car down after a few minutes on auto. Mine is a pretty recent build, not sure why the discrepancy. My "other car" (meaning the wife's daily driver) is a BMW 328d and while it seems to blow a bit colder out of the vents on high, it paradoxically seems to have a harder time cooling down the interior overall.
Look forward to your report in 6 months, mate! My AC probably feels fine to a normal person. I'm just always warm... Old age, high blood pressure, and too much pizza!
I hate the hot weather - I often have my elderly mother in the car and, while I dress in as little as possible in summer, she'll have a cardigan on. I seriously considered a car with dual-zone so she can have a sauna while my side made ice-cubes.
The ECO button was off. It did feel OK, but the A/C never went below 4 bars on the fan. Wondering if that is the case for others?? This was on a day in the 90s. On days in the 80s (I set temp at 72) it did get down to 1 or 2 bars.
Agreed. I suspect even on the max setting, the Prius AC is designed with fuel efficiency in mind, vs best possible performance of AC system. I find that it's competent, but it's not outstanding (based upon experience of AC with other vehicles in the past)
Well, at least you've got those nice beach towels to soak up all the perspiration or to blot your face with.
I have the 4 with a black interior. Believe me, North Carolina summers are not only hot but humid. This morning I drove across town to a meeting with 2 other employees. It was baking (91F) when we first got in the car. I turned on the A/C. Within 4 minutes it was comfortable. Chilly by the time we reached our meeting site. I would have your dealer check the A/C output temperature. Once running it should put out ~40F air.