I have been driving my car since October 2008. When I drive around the town I live in I get about 40 mpg. In the last two months it has dropped to 29 mpg. I have reset it several times as I wanted to be sure it was working properly. Any ideas what would cause this?
A failing 12V battery has also been known to cause falling MPG. Fixable at much lower cost than changing the HV battery. Frozen or dragging brakes have also hurt MPG. This would be betrayed by overly hot brakes or wheels. Low tire pressure also hurts MPG, but not by this much.
Here is the top thread on that: Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery | PriusChat Do note that while certain posters reflexively blame almost everything on the 12V battery, it isn't really really a universal culprit. Other things go wrong too.
12v if more than 4 years old is a suspect especially if votage is below 12. Alignment and low tire pressure also can hit the mpg hard. Are you overdue for spark plugs? 120k interval.
No, I'm not overdue for spark plugs. New tires and alignment were done in January. I keep the tire pressure up to par. If it's between the 12 volt battery and the hybrid battery, you know which one I hope for. The hybrid battery is $2.5k or $2.8k. Yikes! I also have the silver pine mica. Pretty when clean or dirty.
Do remember that new tires will temporarily reduce MPG, and a non-LRR tire choice will drop it even more, for the life of those tires. But even together, these can account for only a portion of your MPG loss, not all of it.
Mines (04 prius) is currently getting 34.5 mpg and its usually around 39-41mpg. What I have noticed it that the AC drops the MPG and the cause for mines sleeping in the car during lunch with the AC on. This kills the MPG. That being said Im about to clean the mass air flow sensor, throttle body, PCV valve and change the spark plugs here in the next week or so. Hopefully that reclaims some MPG.
If I understand you correctly, you are in the stationary car for an hour (or so) with the A/C on (presumably around 68-72℉). If this is correct, then that will affect your ability to get MPG anywhere near the 44-50 MPG (5.35-4.70 l/100km) mark. It is the reality that the A/C when used at the extremes is a heavy user of electricity. There is just no way a round it. I think that no matter what you do, if you keep using you car this way, you will always get below average MPG. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
I use a Prius daily for work, and if we idle for an hour or more the mpg on the mfd shows 36 to 37 mpg. It does go up as you drive, but I have noticed that when you do tue lath the oldfashioned way, you are indeed averaging a higher mpg. We do get a lower mpg from idling, but thats a small price to pay for comfort in very hot weather. If your mileage continues to dip lower, I would check the aux battery before anything else, especially if you do not know when it was installed or is the original.
One more possible culprip: the gasoline in the tank. It's not widely known, but ethanol has much less energy/volume than gasoline. While "E" blends do raise octane (i.e., slow combustion rate), they sap power, thus reducing MPG. The higher the percentage of ethanol, the lower your MPG. Ethanol may also cause deterioration of rubber engine components in concentrations greater than 10%. Bottom line: AVOID ethanol blends any higher concentration than "E10" for best performance and least engine wear. Opt for "Top Tier" gasoline every time over high ethanol alternatives like E20, etc.
When you say "top tier" are you referring to premium gasoline? Are all of these things you mention stated at the gas pump? I've always just put in non-premium gas. The service manager at the Toyota dealership told me to stop using Costco gas until the weather cools. It's very hot here now. What I don't understand is after driving my car since October 2008 and getting consistent average miles per gallon, and NOW it's dropped to 27-28 mpg. The dealer says there's nothing I can do. They're a big help.
I had something similar happen to our 2008 last year. Dropped into the 30's. I monitored the battery but found nothing wrong. Then I noticed it had to do more with the PIP than in EV mode. I dumped a 1/2 can of Seafoam in the gas tank and within a short time my mpg's were back to normal. I guess it was dirty injectors.
When you were monitoring the battery, what were you looking for? How did you do it? Why did you choose Sea Foam over any other product?