Hi there, On Monday night, my corn snake escaped from its cage in the backseat of my Prius, and I haven't been able to rescue it since. Since then, I have tried multiple rescue attempts, including the standard luring out with food, heat, etc. My question for this group concerns the interior of the Prius. Mechanics in the area have not been able to help me since they are mostly afraid of snakes, and the one who did try to help was afraid to remove interior panels near the curtain airbag above the backseat windows. Does anyone know a good mechanic in the Bay Area who might be able to help? At this point, I'd just like to know more about what parts of the car she has access to. Thanks! Matt
How much valence have you pulled apart? Checked by the 12v battery? The HV battery? A mechanic might not be your best option given a lot of folks suffer from ophidiophobia. Best bet would be to research how to disassemble the valence yourself and start in the back by the batteries and work forward. Good luck.
I guess I should have also asked how big the snake is as diameter and length may procedure certain areas. Depending on these dimensions, could be anywhere. There are several threads about people having mice infestations and finding them throughout the cabin. But my bet would be in the back as there are large open areas.
i see on line, it says to use a tape trap, but i don't understand how it works. another source said to turn the a/c on, and provide a warm box to attract the corn.
If the car is outside in summer, won't the snake have to seek a low, shaded area (like under the seats or down with the spare tire) to avoid fatal overheating? Strange problem!
Yes I agree it is a very strange problem. I've been moving the car to a shady spot during the day so that she doesn't fatally overheat. Snakes tend to move around at night so I figure the best chance I have is to lure her our then. It's been about a week now since she's last eaten, so I'll continue to try luring her out with food. Thanks for the suggestions all!
keep us updated/ I hope this sucker knows what's best for it & finally decides to come out of its hideout/
For sale, used 2010 Prius, quiet, gets 50 MPG, single owner ,includes rare "live snake" option, so you will never have a vermin problem with this car. $10,000 O. B. O. Vehicle does have occasional faint hissing sound.
I've been telling my wife about this thread and it's the first (somewhat) car related thread she's ever asked for updates. I would first take out the hatch related items and, secondly if needed, remove the rear seats.
Having had a pet snake, I can identify with this. Hope she (?) does not get into HV battery--maybe put small grates at HV battery air inlet and exhaust to prevent that occurrence? Good luck!
Good point. There's ample empty space for a snake to hide near the junction of the backrests and the lower cushions, just in front of the battery cover.
I once lost a hamster in an enormous pile of wood shingles. Thinking there was little hope to get her back, I put some food in a glass jar and made a ramp up to it. Somehow it worked exactly as I imagined and I got the hamster back. How about some sort of live bait trap? Is that feasible? I would think a snake would bury itself deeper if trying to expose it. I also hate to say it, but there are a few vents that would allow the snake to escape to the outside.