In giving it a little more thought . . . I think we all know idiot drivers, and if we could just convince them to take a ride with us, maybe they would see another perspective.
We could start a movement. On one day every year a Prius owner will give a ride to a non-Prius owner. Just think of the influence we could have on a lot of people. Think of all the emissions that would not be emitted. A good will gesture from us to the idiots. Educate the idiots!! This is coming from someone, who until last month had never been in a Hybrid of any kind. Now I own a Prius!!
I could use a little more excitement in retirement. I need a good rumble... Kim4, if you tend to get tickets, you may not want to put your Prius in the PWR mode. Man, my car Zooms off the line now. And it even has a nice kick when driving at highway speeds, and I need to pass somebody. The car just feels "lighter" somehow, it performs better, and would you believe my gas mileage actually improved a bit? I don't think I will ever go back to ECO mode, my Prius felt too sluggish. I not speeding now or driving crazy... just enjoying the improved performance. (And better MPGs)
How do you find that POWER MODE affects Autonomous Cruise? I've only used ECO so far and my biggest frustration is that the speed control seems rather approximate under C/Control. I set it on 103km/hr (about 66MPH), and Uphill gentle motorway inclines it will drop to maybe 98, but then it'll speed up to 107 going Down a gentle decline. I'm used to my previous (FORD Fiesta Diesel) which would stay within 1km/hr either way on the same route.
Hi Alan. My Three model doesn't have the technology package. I'm an old-fashioned "stick & rudder" man.
Forgot to add, I do have the old regular cruise control. But I've never used it on my Prius, or any of my cars. I never felt comfortable with it. You guys now have "Radar Cruise" on your Gen4's? Nice feature, but for me personally, I just don't quite trust the technology... yet.
I've been using it every day since I got the car, and yesterday was probably the scariest moment with the radar cruise. I had it set for 50mph, and it was doing 48mph when the car in front slowed to a complete stop. I find the Prius on radar cruise tends to brake much later than I normally would, so I waited, and waited for it to start slowing down, but it didn't, and I decided to step in and manually brake. I have no doubt it would have stopped by itself, but it feels like a human driver who brakes strongly at the last minute.
I use it all the time - I've had normal CruiseControl for over 10 yrs, and the first thing I would do when starting up is turn on Cruise. I'd use it in the suburbs and highways. As I slow or speed to a different SpeedLimit, I'd click SET on cruise, it becomes second nature. I've generally not noticed that - Samantha generally slows relatively similar to what I would, though there have been a few times when I thought she might have been a bit jerky with her reaction - a little more abrupt than I would initially. What distance setting are you using - I generally change mine to the closer of the 3 options, as people tend to cut in too much if I use the wider settings. I wonder if the RADAR Cruise uses the same algorithms whether in ECO or POWER modes?
Interesting. I use the middle of the 3 settings for distance. Like you, I tried the widest setting, and it left such a large gap, that everyone would pile into that gap Not sure about the algorithms.
I'm sitting at a red light. Guy pulls up in the next lane, leans out laughs and says "nice hybrid, pu$$y". He was driving a minivan.
It's at times like this that I worry about the future of humans as a sentient species. That guy's a dullard. If he actually knew or acknowledged that he was dimmer than an unlit lump of coal, I'd literally class him as redeemable. Sadly, he's a grade A jackass.....and proud of it. He's the kind of guy who beat up on the smart kids when he was at school, because he felt threatened by their ability to learn and understand things he never could iPhone 6s +
Yup. I forgot to mention, he waited till he got the green turn arrow before he said it then he took off wasting more gas in 200 feet than I used in the last mile. I had to laugh, but you're right it's sad.
I was filling gasoline at Chevron station, and a person that drove current model Tahoe asked me if I liked my Prius v. My answer was that Prius v fit my life style and saved me on expenditures (maintenance and gasoline). He stated that he liked the design but was under powered, I agreed and also stated that Prius v is not meant for many consumers for many reasons. He mentioned he was 3 tour veteran in gulf war and that was many people put yellow ribbon sticker to "support our troops" on big vehicles. I did not understand what he meant at that specific time, so I asked him "are you going to tell me to install yellow ribbon on my car", he laughed and said "no", he stated that many people do not respect resources in which people sacrificed.
I'm uncomfortable if other drivers are around me without "cruise control" they drive erratically, to fast to slow, I avoid them just like I avoid people with a phone at their ear.
It'll be solved by the SUPER-Advanced Autonomous All Situation CRUISE CONTROL - AKA Autonomous Cars - which will be compulsory on all major roads!!! Finally, we'll have some semblance of order instead of the chaos we have now. I can't wait. And, I reckon it'll be here sooner rather than later. Cars will drive in correct lanes, they won't need traffic lights - as their networked computers will thread them through the other networked traffic, stop signs will be extinct. Motorways will flow 30-50% quicker as it won't depend on lazy or careless drivers not filling up spaces, but all cars will move in an orderly fashion.
Interesting concept, Alan. I often wonder what kind of vehicles the little grandchildren will be driving 25 years from now. (And I read Toyota has a patent for "flying vehicles?" That's pretty scary. People can't motor safely on the ground! ) I try and drive as steady and smoothly as possible; keeping up with the flow of traffic, so as not to cause anger behind me. I usually stay in the right 2 lanes. Never zipping in and out of lanes. But the speeds have increased so much that I am getting less & less comfortable being on the highways/interstate. (We call them "Freeways" here.) There are some interesting videos on YouTube involving Prius road rage.