Does anyone have a part # for the oem Prius C/Yaris mid chassis assembly? I remember seeing it on eBay once about a year ago but could no longer find it now. It was an add on option and sold seperately. I currently have the mike5000 mid bar on but scrapes on every speed bump due to my car being lowered.
It's a thin mid brace that has about 4 points. There was an oem one online I saw once but can't seem to find it now.
You mean this thing? Toyota Genuine Aqua NHP10 Front Floor Suspension Member Brace JDM Prius C City | eBay
I saw that one too. The one I originally saw was all one piece and cost around $250. It must be really rare because I haven't seen it since.
Reading previous posts it seems that this may have been offered only on a few C's. It might have been offered on the Yaris as well but can't seem to find more on that.