I don't know, I've never coveted a BMW or a SUV SUVs have their uses and my husband and I will probably always have a small SUV or something with more cargo space as well as a car just because it is useful for camping, road trips and other stuff. BMWs are just a dime a dozen.
An economy that encourages its people to buy stuff they don't need with money they don't have is an economy in long term trouble......
One other thing I consider here in the states is the trade in sales tax credit. I have no idea the tax laws in Belgium, but where I live in the US (Pennsylvania), if you trade in a car, that amount is taken from the sale price of the car BEFORE sales tax is added. So if a car costs $30,000 USD and your trade is worth $3,500 USD, your "out the door price" is $26,500 USD + Sales Tax instead of ($30,000 + Sales Tax) - $3,500 (if you sold for same price privately). It amounts to an extra savings of $210 USD (assuming 6% tax rate in Pennsylvania). Like I said, not sure if there is a similar setup in other countries...but its another random thing to take into consideration when determining trade in or private sell. Congrats regardless!
Some months later... Finally drove away from the dealer on Friday with my beautiful new 'emotional red' (!) Prius. It's an absolute beast compared to my last one. More tech than the USS Enterprise. My wife is loving the hybrid engine indicator and the scoring system. It annoyed me to begin with but I've quickly accepted my fate - it has certainly made me a more economical driver. I used to burst away from traffic lights but now it's a smooth glide instead. Remains to be seen whether this behaviour will last! Have already done 100km and the petrol gauge hasn't moved in the slightest. The look of the car is spoiled a little by the corner protectors I had them install, but these are a necessary insurance due to our apartment's underground parking involving a very tight 90 degree turn to exit. The cars of some of my neighbours get rounder every day because they bump one corner or another on their way out.
"Hypersonic Red" in my part of the world. Sounds like the name of color depends on the gender that they are trying to sell to.