Yeah...I'm familiar with him. Personally, I think he was downed by ground fire, since Brown was almost certainly trying to shoot him from behind. Manfred had a good run, but only a short one. Something like 7 years. Take care of your Prius....and watch out for Sopwith Camels coming at you from up-sun, or ground fire over the front, and you'll be flying along for a longer period of time!'ll get better fuel efficiency than a Fokker Dr.1.
Congratulations!!!! I too LOVE the RED!! The RED color was the reason I test drove the beautiful car, and thus ended up owning my first Hybrid. I don't have previous experience with another Hybrid to compare it with, but love, love, love, my Prius. I don't have split control for climate, and don't know if my mirrors automatically fold. I will have to read more of the Owner's Manual and find out. I am still learning about my Prius and this forum has helped immensely. Thank you for your comments, by the way. Enjoy your new red beauty!!
3 things... What is a "Sopwith Camel." What is a "Fokker Dr 1." And why don't us slugs here in the States, get split climate control and auto-folding mirrors??!
British warplane during First World War. Main purpose was shoot down Fokker Dr 1 flown by the Red Baron German warplane flown by the Red Baron during First World War Probably for the same reason that we don't get offered 17" wheel, BSM, and a bunch of other things. I think that the Toyota distributor in every country is encouraged to limit the number of options on offer in order to simplify manufacturing and inventory.
If it has folding mirrors, they'll be a button next to the mirror adjustment knob. 3 position - middle position puts into Auto mode.
Dual-zone climate control is inherently less efficient (thanks @HTMLSpinnr for schooling me on that!) because you're cooling or heating to the lowest or highest temperature. The other temperature is balanced so you're wasting heat or using more electricity (A/C compressor is electric). As for auto-folding mirrors, when your parking space (stall-type) can fit 1.5 Prius side-by-side, you don't need to fold your mirrors in =P (ok NYC and SF might be exceptions)
Yes, but it does wonders for your marriage. In the summer my wife likes to travel in sub-arctic conditions, which is way too much for me.
I'm fully aware of the power of Toyota A/C systems . I travel with people who like arctic conditions. Unfortunately, all of our Toyotas with automatic climate control have been single-zone systems.