I don't know what happen or how it happens. I just saw this today , big dents on the door black moulding. Does anyone know where i can get one of the moulding online? I inspected little more closely , i cannot find any body damage or scratches on the panel and moulding. my parents think is somehow the moulding warped from heat/cold? it's shinny where the dented area. what you guys think??
That wouldn't have warped from heat, unless you had some sunlight concentrated by the windows of another building. I have heard of that happening in cities and melting the plastic of side mirrors of cars parked in the focal area of the reflected sunlight. I think the more likely explanation is vandalism.
Just had something like this on the Chevy. Someone had pried the moulding up and had the window glass pulled out of its seals trying to break in. Mine just popped back in to place. Yours looks stretched and distorted though. From the pattern going across the seam maybe it was reflected sunlight from say a truck mirror.
I don't think hitting with an elbow can cause it to shine like that , most likely a dents. Do you think Toyota will warranty this?? I never had issue before.
I don't think it is a problem with the car that would be covered by Toyota. Rather, it is an insurance claim.
Very strange. Never seen anything like that. Need more information. Where was the car parked? Did this happen at night, or day? Looks like somebody got mad and hit the car.
Looks a little like reflective heat from windows treated to reflect sunlight, as mentioned by KrPtNK. Some homes after they get new modern windows are melting the vinyl siding on their neighbors house if the sun is just right. Perhaps it's a design thing with Toyota going to greener plastics that may not be as robust.