Have a 2010 Prius III (trim V), and a 2012 PIP. The 2010 has a fan that will circulate air when the car is parked. This feature is very appreciatd especially if the car has been sitting in the sun on a hot day like today (and cracking the sunroof helps). Got into the PIP today and it was like brick fired oven. Thought to myself maybe the fan was turned off, but unable to locate the button. Please tell me the outside air circulation fan exists for the PIP. Beige panel = 2010 (see the fan icon button) Black panel = 2012 PIP
That outside airflow fan only exists with the sunroof option. I use side window air deflectors and leave the window open about an inch or two. Unsupervised!
that's a nice testimony for people interested in the solar roof option. but i think they stopped making it?
Thank you for the clarification. Solar has the remote AC version that is one of those never used features, but love the air circulation and it will be sorely missed (along side the sun roof). Wonder if a similar fan could be retro fitted into the PiP?
Actually remote A/C Is also on the PiP but it runs the A/C when the A/C button is pressed on the key fob. You have to be relatively close and it only runs if there is enough EV left. I've never got it to work more than 50ft from the car although feel free to experiment and let us know how far it worked for you. Unsupervised!
You can start the remote A/C with Entune through the interwebs. But I believe it only works if: A) the car is plugged into the charger, 2) the car is locked and C) for 10 minutes.
They stopped making this feature on the gen 4, which is why I am keeping my 14 until it's wheels fall off! I love the remote A/C button and the solar panel air flow. I'm rather short, so I can't actually SEE the roof of my car, but friends are always commenting on how nice it is to actually get into a car that isn't stifling hot! For kicks and giggles, I test drove a new 16 while my car was having service. The vultures called me 3xs in the next week trying to get me to buy the new car... NO THANKS! And it's all because I love the solar roof and remote A/C feature! I had a nightmare the other night... I was forced to sell "Sully" the Prius (named by my preschooler) and replace it with a Chevy Cruze. I woke up mad, and was in an awful mood all day! When I came down stairs that morning, I first checked the garage to make sure my car was there. I big sigh of relief! My hubs laughed and said, "Don't mess with mama's Prius!" SM-N910V ?
I have a faint recollection that Hobbit came up with a mod to trickle in outside air while the car was otherwise off, so he could sleep at rest stops without the air getting stuffy. Should still be in the archives...