Love my Prius! I've had it for two years and put close to 40k on it. I'll keep it forever if I can. My passenger side headlight died when the enclosure let water in during a car wash. Boo hoo. To make it more shocking, after shopping around I found out I have HID (high intensity discharge) bulbs, which are incredibly expensive. I removed the bulb to confirm it. I used this video to remove my HID bulb in less than 5 minutes: So, I have options: I can replace the rather expensive bulb and move on. I can modify my headlights to use LED's, save a ton of money, and move on. If I choose the red pill... Is there anybody with a simple suggestion as to the new hardware I should purchase, and the process to replace said hardware? I assume it will include buying new LED bulbs (any suggestions would be very helpful) and also buying a replacement for the HID cable that supports LED. All the best- The guy Jeff Dunham makes fun of. (I have a Blue freakin' Prius)
I am having issues with my 2006 Prius, my HID lights are going out and they are too expensive. Did you ever switch them for LED's? I can't seem to find much on how to do that. Thanks!
There is now a company making led replacement bulbs for the hid headlights. There is also a installation video on YouTube. I just got the bulbs and plan on doing the install tomorrow.
Sorry for the late reply, I went with an ALLA Lighting conversion but am entirely unhappy with the results. I can't get the beam pattern to line up well no matter with I try. I spoke with support and all they could tell me to do is rotate the bulb, which I die and only could make a slight improvement, so as of right now, most of the light is shining far above the road and off to the right. It's just enough that's its still safe to drive an all, just very unsatisfactory. I'm waiting till I have the money and time for a projector retrofit. These hids are truly a nightmare. Headlights have been my only issue with the car except for when I knocked off a coolant line while driving it like a rally truck out in the desert.
Just got these spot lights mounted, just need to wire them in and then I think I'll be happy with the lighting. Anyone got advice on wiring them in? Do I go to the fuse box and go to the Jumpstart thingy, or splice into the existing headlightwiring, note this car came with hid headlights.
Possibly, im curious as to whether I can buy a set of housing with regular halogen to swap in to completely replace the hid system, but I know nothing about wiring and electronics so that hasn't happened yet. In that case, it's super easy to throw leds in or even do a projector retrofit. The other option would be the $300ish dollar pre-made projector housing but again, thats a lot of money.