I have a 2001 Prius with only 220,000 kms and I need a battery replacement. I am located near Toronto, Ontario and cannot locate a vendor in anywhere near me. I am willing to drive to the US (in my other Prius) to pick one up. Many of the businesses I have search for here and online in general are out of this business - I guess it's good news that not many Prius' need battery replacenents but at this point I still love the car and want to keep it on the road. I am looking for either a rebuilt battery or a place that will rebuild mine. Any help will be much apprecited!
Your options: Contact USA based rebuilders and see if they can handle Canadian shipping. Contact your Toyota dealer and ask for their estimate Do it yourself (not trivial!) USA Rebuilders Many have had bad experiences trying to ship traction batteries around the USA. Trying to do it to Canada might be a bridge to far. However, Eric Powers is in Wisconsin and I would trust whatever he proposes. Toyota Service Center We are seeing prices around $2,400 (US) for traction battery packs with shipping on top. But these are Gen I modules and similar to what came with the car. But a Toyota service center will often add $1,000 in labor to do the work, swapping the modules, and then it is a good idea to swap the buss bars. Not cheap but usually with a one year guarantee. Do It Yourself (not trivial) Requirements: alternate transportation 3-6 weeks - involves survey, salvage, and rebuild modest technical skills, a place to work, tools $200 RC battery charger - needs to be a smart unit that can measure the Ahr capacity of the modules $40-50/module - you're going on the open market to find replacement modules . . . did I mention shipping issues Let me suggest searching through this forum and seeing what others have done. But the usual advice is pick two: (1) good, (2) fast, or (3) cheap. Bob Wilson
Thanks - Canadian dealers charge much more than in the US and I have been very disappointed with dealers in Canada overcharging since being spoiled after living in Japan for many years. I don't take any of our cars to dealers here. I am not confident in my technical skills but I am willing to drive (my other Prius) to pick one up or do an exchange in the US - shipping and customs brokerage fees are also ridiculous. My only real option is to take the old one out and pick up a rebuilt battery somewhere in NY, PA or MI but so far the closest I have seen is Washington DC (10 hour drive) and Kansas City Mo (15 hour drive). There must be somewhere closer?!
Sounds like a plan. Eric Powers is in Madison Wisconsin and there is Auto Career Development Center in New York. You might be able to work out a deal with them to shorten the drive. For example, they might be able to help get a USA Toyota pack . . . IF you have any interest in going that way. Bob Wilson
Thanks for this! The ACDC has a locator for independent dealers on their website which has uncovered many more possibilities. Some are near Toronto which I have not heard of before.
The Gen1 "dealer battery" comes with modules in a new metal case, prewired with shiny new bus bars torqued down at the factory. Best way to use new battery is to transfer the battery ECU, System main relays, Orange plug harness etc from the old chassis into the new one. Even though they are still Gen1 type modules, they should last many many years. It's getting hard to find low mileage used Gen2 modules these days so new gen1 modules may be better than used gen2 modules. It's not that hard to remove the battery assembly from the car and transfer the bits over. Any competent repair shop willing to learn new skills could do it...and when orange plug is removed little chance of electrocution unless you have no clue how electricity works.
Please let us know the outcome of your search. I'm in London ON and suspect I'll be shopping for a replacement traction battery at some point. I like the idea of factory new as Paul suggests, but haven't talked to Cdn Toyota dealers yet.
I know someone in Detroit who could help install and/or transfer the internal bits over. If car not drivable, remove battery yourself with a helper and take it to Detroit. Probably way cheaper than buying battery at Canadian dealer. Pmail me if you want the Detroit person contact info.
I found this cool link for the replacement procedure of a brand new battery, hope it helps, good luck: 2001 Toyota Prius NHW11 battery swap
That is a great guide, almost anyone with basic tools should be able to swap their battery. Hardest part is lifting the battery in/out of the car...that sucker is heavy if you try to do yourself...find a helper if you can.
I am located in Ohio and would be willing to help you transfer your parts over.. done it a few times.. just shoot me a message if you are interested...
I had my battery go out in my 05 Prius and went through what everyone else went through. I googled it and then called the local dealership and after the sticker shock I called the local parts store and was right about to pull the trigger on that when I found a company that will do everything for you. The company I called was a legitimate one and I talked to one of the service guys. He directed me to someone who does it on the side for less. I know what some people might be thinking that was the place I messed up and they would be right. I screened the guy on the phone and asked him a bunch of questions and especially about his warranty vs the others. He seemed nice on the phone and he did provide me with a warranty ( even if it was a generic sales receipt slip with very basic warranty info hand written in the description or parts area) This was a huge mistake and horrible experience. below is one of the Better business complaints filed about him. Since he works for one company during the day, buys or at least deals with another company to get refurbished batteries and also runs his side business, it is hard to nail him down exactly and not tie in his associates even though they might be innocent of any of Alex Tishin's wrongdoings. Summary. Alex Tishin a 1 man operation out of small private garage selling refurbished batteries on the side AKA HybridOnly/HybridPlus supplied me with two Bad prius Hybrid batteries, horrible customer service, and left me without a car for almost a month!. The 1st battery purchased 3/25/2015 failed completely in June. After 2 weeks of daily attempts to get service from him I had to call anybody that knew him and anyone I could find explaining my frustration and desire to get a hold of him and/or escalate my complaint and only then did that get his attention. I do not have a second car and being without one was very disruptive to my work and life. I asked Alex on the phone about what he was going to do about the battery and leaving me stranded. He said tough luck. Not only that but the replacement battery would not come with another warranty! I told him that this was wrong on multiple levels and I would report him. He became combative and said that he has great lawyers and to bring it on. I was finally able to get him to agree to honor what little warranty remained. This involved me driving 3 hours to pick up a questionable battery on 6/25/2016 and I SPECIFICALLY asked him if he was going to give me a good battery replacement or poor one, or pull some type of stunt which he replied he would not give me a bad one or turn me away. That was a lie. I had a feeling that he would try and pull some stunt, luckily I showed up with my wife and a video camera and he changed he tune slightly. He still refused to be on camera but after giving me the run around and making me jump through hoops I was finally able to get another (poor) battery that I had to pay someone else to install after a 3 hour return drive. Horrible experience. I should have bought the battery somewhere else and not went the cheap route. This could have all been avoided with better customer service and product. AVOID ALEX TISHIN at all costs!!
Many of the refurbished batteries out there these days (July 2016) are made up of tired modules. You are almost always "rolling the dice" when it comes to refurbished gen1 batteries (and lately gen2 modules as well). If you like your car, there is no substitute for brand new "zero mile" battery from Toyota. Unfortunately it's the most expensive option, but in the case of hybrid batteries you really get what you pay for. You should also buy from a local vendor, someone with a storefront who will stand behind any failures. Having to remove and ship the battery out of state when it fails is a PITA, and will leave you without a driveable car while it gets sorted out. A warranty is only as good as the company behind it. Buyer beware etc.